Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Like When My Genitals Shrink To A Small Size


The "vision" of Adrienne von Speyr, Catholic theologian and mystic of the twentieth century.
Contrary to a widespread commonplace today, the "purgatory", defined as "intermediate stage" between the death and resurrection on the last day, was not an "invention" medieval. The knowledge that we have the first sinking roots in the Old Testament (2 Mcc 12, 32-46) and in other texts of the Judeo-Archaic period, as, for example, the apocryphal Life of Adam and Eve (first century AD). It is true, however, that the New Testament had left open the description of this "place of purification" and does not give sufficient information to understand it. The topic was discussed several times in later centuries. In particular, the Catholic doctrine of purgatory was made in the Middle Ages during the two Councils that they intended to promote union with the Eastern Churches. Later it was taken up and redefined at a glance by the Council of Trent: "Enlightened by the Holy Spirit, drawing from Scripture and the ancient tradition of the Fathers, the Catholic Church has taught in the sacred councils, and in this last plenary meeting: there is a "place of purification" ( purgatorium) and the souls therein detained are help in the intercessions of the faithful, but especially in the sacrifice of the altar acceptable to God "(DS 1820).
also significant contributions of the great Christian mystics who, thanks to the "intimate and profound perception" of the "divine mysteries" infused them by the Holy Spirit, have facilitated our understanding of the "last things", including Purgatory.
We can not forget in this respect the vision of purgatory Adrienne von Speyr, one of più importanti mistiche cattoliche del Novecento. Morta nel 1967, fu medico, sposa, teologa e mistica, “superando le dimensioni della normalità non solo con la sua santità personale, ma anche con la sua opera”, come sosteneva il grande teologo Hans Urs von Balthasar, direttore spirituale della mistica svizzera.
Il testo che segue è tratto da una prima raccolta sistematica degli scritti di Adrienne von Speyr. L’antologia redatta da Barbara Albrecht, con un saggio introduttivo di Hans Urs von Balthasar, fu pubblicata in Italia nel 1975 dalle Edizioni Jaca Book, con il titolo Adrienne von Speyr: Mistica oggettiva .
Dionysius Scyllacensis
Adrienne von Speyr
between the Cross and Hell: Purgatory
On the one hand is the work of pure love: the cross. On the other hand the work of pure justice: the underworld. The son sees what the Father draws from both: see the summary ...
Father goes to meet his son for one do not show the harsh realm of the underworld, but the synthesis of hell and the cross, then the effect of the love of the Son involved in justice. Before the cross the underworld were the only ultimate reality. A purgatory of course only through the redemptive work of her Son. The Father shows the Son not to remain indifferent to the redemption, though redemption is temporarily hidden from him, the Father.
The border area
. The Son of establishing
purgatory. This is not just the border between earth and sky - and therefore a reflection of - is the line between good and evil. So the border is not placed outside, the Son took upon himself the sin and the sin by going through hell, purgatory form, draws upon himself the border of the underworld. Here are the two areas:
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Where is the border between the two areas? It is very difficult to specify. One is made up from the underworld, the other from heaven and the Son took with him both
... The Lord has done in its own the two spaces, then the boundary is in him, in him they have come close:
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As Christ becomes the border, is the purgatory. And the Son, bearing in mind the limit that is in him, after separating the right and left. Of course, establishing the boundary remains unchanged but it got rejected and its borders. Purgatory is precisely this double action. The decision falls into the fire which he sets in stable form and with which tests the man what is incompatible is thrown into hell and burn.
transformation through fire
The Son of the Father to bring those far unwilling yet to accept the love of the Lord, you must allow them to implement the procedure of the Father. The souls in this state are isolated. Not asking for any help and no prayer outside. They do not recognize their guilt, are not willing to receive the pure grace of forgiveness as the only way out. They insist on their own righteousness, upon its own principles, his / her past life. They want to atone for their sins, according to a method of their own. So they are entrusted to the method of the Father who knows how to combine the mystery justice and mercy for every soul to get them and bring them to the charity of the Son. He always puts in his justice already drops of love that the soul of the Son without knowing it and knowing. By the time the method will bring results. The soul then begins to suffer in all respects and to feel the lack of aid, is compelled to leave their safety. The armor becomes unbearable self-righteous morality with which he was surrounded. He understood that alone can not: he needs help. Must turn to the intercession. Now the Lord, which was previously prevented by the refusal, he is free. Now his prayers for the soul becomes effective. This, which was previously frozen, it moves, it tends to charity, he approaches the edge of purgatory, and then the sinner longs ever more urgent to charity and the perfection, regret more and more of sin, makes it increasingly effective in itself the Lord's Prayer and the Church, is fulfilled in him the decisive transformation. To the extent that it recognizes the seriousness of sin, which are beginning to realize the full extent of sin in the world and its wickedness, forgets the confines of their own and others' guilt. Now sees only one thing: the enormous injury done to God by sin. Does not see it directly in the other (in purgatory not seen the others) but looking back to his condition, as it was in this life and when he entered the place of purification. Especially in this picture miserable recognizes the essence of sin. Does not matter to him if he was to begin or another, do not worry even more for purification and redemption staff has no more certain way in the time to spend here. It took so little from the thought of atonement and that aid would be ready now with joy to remain in focus until the end of the world, if God were just a little offended '. The full weight of his passes from the love of God and the love of God through love of neighbor. The soul no longer wants to achieve one's goals, but be only an instrument of charity. At a time when the mind reaches that, it is redeemed. He can pray with the Lord and the Church, their prayers began to be effective in the fellowship of the Spirit, and this is the ultimate absolution with which it enters into the sky. Purgatory is the self, the sky is the other. The move is in love. The order of love on earth and in purgatory is like upside down: the land of the Lord is the great commandment "Love one another." Through the love of neighbor is guaranteed to love God more and more motivated. The critical path to God through the love of neighbor. In purgatory the opposite occurs: the first sinner recognizes God's offer of which he himself is guilty, came to the charity of Christ and it's open love for men. The moment you see that the Eucharist is the Lord's love, infinite self-giving to others, he is redeemed.


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