Monday, February 15, 2010

South Park Fishsticks Quotes Kanye


Termini Station, Via Marsala - Sunday, February 14, 2010
"No logic of profit and interest"
Dear friends,
I accepted with pleasure the invitation to visit this hostel called "Don Luigi Di Liegro, first director of the diocesan Caritas of Rome, founded more than thirty years ago. I sincerely thank the Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini Chief Executive Officer of Railways, Engineer Mauro Moretti, for the words he kindly sent me. With special affection, I express my gratitude to all you who visited this hostel through the voice of Mrs. Joan Cataldo you wanted to extend a warm greeting, accompanied by the precious gift of the Crucifix of Onna, a shining beacon of hope. I greet Bishop Giuseppe Merisi, President of the Italian Caritas, the Auxiliary Bishop Guerino Di Tora, and the director of Caritas of Rome, Bishop Henry Wild. I am pleased to greet the Authorities, in particular the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr Matteoli, the Mayor of Rome, Mr Gianni Alemanno, whom I thank for the active and constant support offered by the City of Rome to the activities of the hostel. I greet the volunteers and all those present. Thank you for your welcome!
have passed now 23 years from the date of this structure, created in collaboration with the Railways, who generously placed at the disposal of the premises, and the economic support of the City of Rome, began to welcome its first guests. Over the years, offering shelter for those who had nowhere to sleep, have added additional services, such as clinic and soup-kitchens and the first he joined other donors such as ENEL, the Rome Foundation, the 'Ing Agostini Maggini, Telecom Foundation and the Ministry of Culture Arcis-spa, which demonstrates the unifying force of love. In this way, the hostel has become a place where, thanks to the generous service of many workers and volunteers is carried out daily the words of Jesus: "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me" ( Mt 25:35-36).
Dear brothers and friends are welcome here, know that the Church loves you deeply and will not abandon you, because it recognizes the face of each of you to Jesus He wished to be identified in a special way with those who are in poverty and need. The witness of charity, which in this place is special realization, belongs to the mission of the Church together with the proclamation of the Gospel truth. Man not only needs to be fed or materially helped to overcome moments of difficulty, but also need to know who he is and to know the truth about himself, his dignity. As I recalled in Caritas in Veritate, "without truth, love degenerates into sentimentality. Love becomes an empty shell, to fill an arbitrary way "(n. 3 ).
The Church, with its service to the poor, therefore undertook to announce the truth about man, loved by God, created in his image, redeemed by Christ and called to eternal communion with Him many people were able to discover, and continues to rediscover, their dignity, lost at times to tragic events, and found self-confidence and hope in the future. Through gestures, glances and words of those who lend their services here, many men and women palpable that their lives are guarded by Love, who is God, and through it have a meaning and significance ( Lett see enc. Spe Salvi, 35 ). This certainly raises deep in the human heart a hope strong, solid, light, a hope that gives us the courage to continue on the path of life despite the failures, the difficulties and trials that accompany it. Dear brothers and sisters who work in this place, you always have before your eyes and your heart the example of Jesus, who for love became our servant and loved us "to the end" (cf. Jn 13:1), to the Cross. Therefore be joyful witnesses of the infinite love of God and, following the example of the deacon St. Lawrence, one of your friends consider these most precious treasures of your life.
My visit takes place in the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, organized by the European Parliament and the European Commission. Coming into this place as Bishop of Rome, the Church from the earliest days of Christianity presides in charity (cf. St. Ignatius of Antioch, Lettera ai Romani, 1,1), desidero incoraggiare non solo i cattolici, ma ogni uomo di buona volontà, in particolare quanti hanno responsabilità nella pubblica amministrazione e nelle diverse istituzioni, ad impegnarsi nella costruzione di un futuro degno dell’uomo, riscoprendo nella carità la forza propulsiva per un autentico sviluppo e per la realizzazione di una società più giusta e fraterna (cfr Lett. enc. Caritas in veritate, 1 ). La carità, infatti, “è il principio non solo delle micro-relazioni: rapporti amicali, familiari, di piccolo gruppo, ma anche delle macro-relazioni: rapporti sociali, economici, politici” (ibid., 2). Per promuovere una pacifica convivenza che help people recognize human family members is important that the size of the gift and gratuity to be rediscovered as the building blocks of everyday life and interpersonal relationships. This becomes every day more and more urgent in a world in which, however, seems to prevail over the logic of profit and the pursuit of self-interest. The hostel is
Caritas, the Church of Rome, a valuable opportunity to teach Gospel values. The volunteer experience is that many people live here, especially for young people, a real school where you learn how to build the civilization of love, able to accommodate the other in its uniqueness and difference. In this way the hostel actually manifests that the Christian community, through their bodies and uncompromising in its truth that proclaims, working effectively with civil institutions to promote the common good. I am confident that the fruitful synergy created here also extends to other areas of our city, particularly in areas where the more you feel the consequences of the economic crisis and the greater the risk of social exclusion. His service to people in difficulty, the Church is moved only by the desire to express their faith in the God who is the defender of the poor and loves every man for what it is and not for what it owns or operates. The Church lives in history with the understanding that the anxieties and needs of men, especially the poor and all who suffer, are also those of the disciples of Christ (cf. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Gaudium et Spes , 1 people) and hence, in accordance with the powers proper to the State, is working because every human being is assured that they deserve.
Dear brothers and sisters, for the Rome Caritas Hostel is a place where love is not just a word or a feeling, but a reality, allowing you to let in the light of God in the lives of men and 'community calendar. This light helps us to look to tomorrow with confidence, certain that in the future our city will remain faithful to the value of hospitality, so strongly rooted in its history and hearts of its citizens. The Virgin Mary, Salus Populi Romani, always accompany you with her maternal intercession and help each of you to make this place a home where bloom the same virtues in the holy house of Nazareth. With these sentiments, I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing, extending it to all your loved ones and all those who live in this place and give generously.


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