Friday, February 12, 2010

Tamil Poems In Tamil For Mother

The development of dogma

From "First Commonitorio" St. Vincent of Lerins, a priest (Ch. 23, PL 50, 667-668).
Perhaps someone may ask: there will never be any progress in religion in the Church of Christ? And there will certainly be very great.
who does so can be the enemy of men and hostile to God that he decided to stop? We must however be well aware that this is a real progress of the faith and not a change. The real progress takes place through internal development. The change is when a doctrine is transformed into another.
E 'must, therefore, that with the progress of time, grow and flourish as much as possible understanding, knowledge and wisdom as well as all of the individual, the only one, quanto di tutta la Chiesa. Devono però rimanere sempre uguali il genere della dottrina, la dottrina stessa, il suo significato e il suo contenuto. La religione delle anime segue la stessa legge che regola la vita dei corpi. Questi infatti, pur crescendo e sviluppandosi con l'andare degli anni, rimangono i medesimi di prima. Vi è certamente molta differenza fra il fiore della giovinezza e la messe della vecchiaia, ma sono gli stessi adolescenti di una volta quelli che diventano vecchi. Si cambia quindi l'età e la condizione, ma resta sempre il solo medesimo individuo. Unica e identica resta la natura, unica e identica la persona.
Le membra del lattante sono piccole, più grandi invece quelle del giovane. Però sono le stesse. Le members of the adult no longer have the proportions of those of the child. However there are those that already existed in a more mature age, as everyone knows, in the embryo, so as to parts of the body, nothing new is found in adults who are not already present in children, albeit in embryonic form.
There is no doubt about that. This is the true and authentic organic law of progress. This is the order placed by the wonderful nature for any growth. Mature age unfolds and develops in ever more extensive knowledge of all that the Creator had formed in anticipation in the small little body.
If the course of time the human species changed so as to have a different structure or is enriched by some members as well as ordinary ones before, or do we lose someone, it would, therefore, that the whole body is deeply affected or maimed. In any case it is not the same.
The dogma of the Christian religion must follow these laws. Progresses, consolidated over the years, developing over time, deepening with age. E 'but that must always remain absolutely intact and unchanged.
Our forefathers have sown since the early days of the Church in the seed of faith. It would be absurd and incredible that we, their children, instead of the genuine truth of wheat, raccogliessimo the result of the fraud that is the error of the weeds.
E 'right and indeed quite logical to exclude any contradiction between the before and after. We harvested the same truth that wheat was sown and grew to maturity.
Since then there is something of the early sowing that can still grow with the passage of time, even today it can be a happy and successful cultivation.
photos contained in your post:
Above Chair of St. Peter ;
below: Chair of Saint Peter surmounted by the "Gloria".


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