Saturday, January 30, 2010

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When the soul leaves the body ...

The author of the text that we propose today is John Carpathians. Know very little about him. The first information concerning him we shall provide Photius (801-892 approx.) Theologian Byzantine patriarch of Constantinople, in his Bibliotheca (original title Myriobiblon ), an exhibition of 279 works summarizes and "reviewed" with a literary taste and sensibility atticistico Orthodox Christian author.
Apparently Carpathians has been bishop of Karpatos, island between Rhodes and Crete, after leading a monastic life in the same island. The following excerpt is taken from consolation speech addressed to the monks of India, at their request . The work contains one hundred "warnings", with whom the Monaco "greasy because readers are constant in adversity and make their endurance temptations that occur. "
Dionysius Scyllacensis
When the soul leaves the body ...
John Carpathian
No Warning 25
"When the soul leaves the body, the enemy comes to meet the insulting and fighting with audacity, became bitter and formidable accuser for those who have fallen. But you have to see then as lover of God and the soul full of faith, even if a time has repeatedly wound with sins, does not allow himself dismayed by the assaults and threats of that, but fortified in the Lord and rising on the wings of joy, courage by taking the holy powers that guide it, as a boundary wall by the light of faith, frankly to the evil devil cries, "What is between you and us or foreign God? What's between you and us, a deserter of the heavens and wicked servant? You have no power over us, you! The Christ, the Son of God has power over us and all! Before him we have sinned, we justify ourselves before him, having as a token of his bowels of mercy for us and our salvation, the precious cross him. And you, run away from us, miserable! There is nothing between you and the servants of Christ. "
And while the soul boldly says queste cose, il diavolo ormai volge le spalle, con urla lamentose, perché non può resistere al nome di Cristo.
Poi l’anima, giunta in alto, vola sul nemico schiaffeggiandolo, come fa il falco col corvo. Dopo questo, l’anima esultante è portata dai divini angeli ai luoghi che le sono stati destinati, conforme al suo stato”.
L'ultimo viaggio


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