Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Happens To The Gs Ball

or "holy slavery" to the Mother of God

The consecration of himself to Jesus Christ, Wisdom Incarnate the hands of Mary of St. Louis Grignon de Montfort.
Under the influence of cultural factors of the seventeenth century, such as the royal exaltation of Mary, the sense of the transcendence of God, the pessimistic conception of man who loves to annihilate and submit to the absolute monarchy which requires dependence on passive spread the use of proclaiming himself a slave of Mary. Faced with the abuse, the decrees of Rome take the position condemning the slave trade associations of Mary (1673, 1675) and every attitude is incompatible with human freedom and Christian. Spiritual writers of the seventeenth century, as Bérulle and Boudon, escape to this view because they have the "slavery" as a total self-giving love that fulfills God's plan and committed to a strong Christian life: "God alone is the foundation of slavery Holy Virgin ... and the only purpose of this devotion. " Those who embrace it needs to make works of carità, di culto e di cooperazione missionaria, nell’intera libertà di compiere i propri doveri. La santa schiavitù consiste in una « santa transazione che si fa con la Regina del cielo e della terra, con cui le si consacra la propria libertà ». È un « cambiamento di tutta la nostra vita e un rinnovamento di grazia », in quanto ci si dona a Maria senza riserva per appartenere unicamente a Gesù; è impegno totale senza altri limiti che quelli prescritti dal Dio di infinita maestà. Bérulle la presenta in modo più profondamente cristocentrico come rinnovazione dei voti o promesse battesimali.
Agli inizi del XVIII secolo, S. Luigi Grignion di Montfort († 1716) nella sua opera Trattato True Devotion to Mary recur and refine the "slavery of love", which consists of a "perfect and complete consecration of oneself to the SS. Virgin ... or, in other words a perfect renewal of vows and promises of holy baptism. " He intends to introduce in the popular Catholicism of his time, oblivious of the baptismal commitment, a devotion to Mary that exceed the criterion of practice to be an attitude and a way to live the Christian life responsibly. Montfort for one can not remain Christians by proxy, but you must give herself to Christ voluntarily and with knowledge of the facts, the donation to Mary is part of this project as an element that "conforms, perfectly unites and consecrates us to Jesus Christ. " Living the consecration to Mary, by his actions through her, with her, in her and her, walking toward spiritual maturity, in purifying the heart from selfish tendencies, the assimilation of the spirit and virtues of Mary and God in union with Mary, in fact, addressed mainly to men through her spiritual motherhood, does not cease to be "completely on God," she who brings the holy liberty of the sons of God, "safe and easy way to find Jesus Christ and be transformed in him and let themselves be led by the Holy Spirit. The Treaty of Montfort, hidden for over a century nel silenzio di un cofano secondo la previsione profetica del suo autore e ritrovato nel 1842, sosterrà in molti cristiani una spiritualità impegnata, pur suscitando alcune riserve circa qualche espressione, soprattutto per il termine schiavitù, usato per descrivere la consacrazione a Maria.
P. Stefano De Fiores
Compagnia di Maria (Monfortani) (S.M.M.)
La Consacrazione di sé stesso a Gesù Cristo Sapienza Incarnata per le mani di Maria di S. Luigi Grignion da Montfort.
L’atto di consacrazione composto dal Montfort è tratto dall’opera L’Amore di Gesù Eterna Sapienza , nella quale risulta ancora più evidente il contesto cristocentrico in cui l’autore colloca la devozione mariana. Nell’opera, infatti, il Montfort tratta del Cristo prima, durante e dopo l’Incarnazione, sottolineando il movimento di amore e di solidarietà della Sapienza verso l’uomo, cui deve corrispondere il cammino dell’uomo verso la Sapienza. In questo duplice itinerario si inserisce Maria: è la creatura degna della Sapienza, che l’attira nel mondo, ed è la Vergine fedele che guida l’uomo verso la Sapienza, purificandone il cuore e preservandolo by a return to worldly wisdom. This dynamic leads to a better understanding of the ' Act of consecration, which intertwine the two ways: by the mystery of Christ comes to Mary, which in turn becomes a way of faithfulness to Christ and evangelical commitment.
The text of the 'Act of Consecration

O eternal and incarnate Wisdom! O most loving and adorabilissimo Jesus, true God and true man, only Son of the Eternal Father and Mary ever Virgin! I love you deeply in the bosom and splendors of the Father during eternity, and in the virginal womb of Mary, your most worthy Madre, nel tempo dell’Incarnazione.
Ti ringrazio perche ti sei annientato prendendo la forma d’uno schiavo, per liberarmi dalla crudele schiavitù del demonio; ti lodo e ti glorifico per aver voluto sottometterti a Maria, tua santa Madre, in ogni cosa, al fine di rendermi per mezzo di Lei tuo schiavo fedele.
Ma, ohimè ingrato e infedele che sono! Non ho mantenuto i voti e le promesse che ti ho fatto così solennemente nel santo Battesimo e non ho adempiuto ai miei obblighi. Non merito di essere chiamato tuo figlio e tuo schiavo. E siccome non c’è nulla in me che non meriti le tue ripulse e il tuo sdegno, non oso più avvicinarmi da solo alla tua santissima ed augustissima Maestà.
But have recourse to the intercession of your holy Mother, I've assigned as mediator with you: through him I hope to get from you contrition and forgiveness of my sins, the purchase and conservation of the Wisdom.
Hail then, O Immaculate Mary, living tabernacle of the Divinity, in which hidden eternal wisdom wants to be adored by angels and by men.
Hail, O Queen of heaven and earth, whose empire is subjected to every subject of God Hail, O sure refuge of sinners, whose mercy never failed anyone. Fulfills the wishes of the Divine Wisdom and I receive the vows and offerings which in my lowliness I present. I
NN, a faithless sinner, renew and ratify today in thy hands the vows of my baptism: I renounce forever Satan, his vanity and his works, and I give myself entirely to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after him all the days of my life.
And so that is more faithful to what it was until now, I choose you today, Mary, in the presence of all the heavenly court, for my Mother and Mistress. I surrender and consecrate, as a slave, my body and my soul, my goods, both interior and exterior, and the value of all my good actions, past, present and future, leaving the entire and full right to dispose of me and what belongs to me, without exception, according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of God in time and eternity.
Receive, O benignant Virgin, this little offering of my slavery, in honor of the union and subjection which the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have your motherhood, in homage to the power that you both have this miserable sinner, in thanksgiving for the privileges that you favored the Holy Trinity.
declare that henceforth I will, what your true slave, to search for your honor and your obedience in all things.
O admirable Mother! present me to your dear Son as His eternal slave, that He has redeemed through you, through you receive me.
O Mother of Mercy! grant me the grace to obtain the true wisdom of God and to put in the number of those you love, teach, guide, nourish and protect as your children and your slaves.
O faithful Virgin, make me in all things so perfect a disciple, imitator and slave of the Incarnate Wisdom, Jesus Christ, your Son, that I may attain, for your intercession and your example, the fullness of His age on earth and its glory in heaven. Amen


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