Thursday, February 18, 2010

Attractive Dental Hygienist

The Word will celebrate Easter with us in the new kingdom of the Father

Then we teach and manifest those realities that show now if there is not a reflex.
From "Discourses" of St. Gregory Nazianzen, bishop (Discourse 45, 23-24, PG 36, 654-655)
We will be partakers of the Passover, at present still in the picture (some already lighter than the law of the ancient, darker image of reality the figure), but before long we will enjoy a more transparent and more true when the Word will celebrate Easter with us in the new kingdom of the Father. Then we teach and manifest those realities that we do not show now if indirectly. In fact, what the drink and the food of the new Passover meal, our task is only to learn it. It is for the Word to teach and communicate its meaning. The instructions actually is like a food, whose owner is a person who distributes it. Therefore, we enter the sphere of law, institutions and the ancient Easter in a new way to get to the new realities symbolized by the ancient figures. We become partakers of the law in a manner not only material, but the Gospel, in full and not limited and imperfect, and secure a lasting and temporary. We foster our capital not the earthly Jerusalem, but the heavenly city, not the one that has been trampled by armies, but the acclaimed by angels. Not sacrifice bullocks or lambs, with horns and claws, which belong more to death than to life, in the absence of `intelligence. We offer a sacrifice of praise to God on the altar along with the heavenly choirs of angels. We pass the first veil of the temple, let us approach the second and penetrate into the "holy of holies." And even more, every day we offer ourselves to God and all our activities. We like the words themselves suggest. With our sufferings imitate the suffering, that is Passion of the Christ. With our blood we honor the blood of Christ. We climb we cheerfully on his cross. Sweets are in fact his nails, although hard. We are ready to suffer with Christ and through Christ, rather than wish the happy mundane companies. If you are Simon of Cyrene take his cross and follow Christ. If you are a thief and if you're hanging on the cross, that is, if you will be punished, just like the good thief and honestly acknowledge God, you expect the test. He was numbered with the transgressors for you and for your sin, you became right for him. She loves the one who was crucified for you. If you get crucified for your sin, you profit from your sin. Buy your salvation with death, entering with Jesus in heaven, and so to understand what goods you were private. Contemplates those beauties and let the murmuring, completely unaware of the divine plan, die out with his blasphemy. If you are Joseph of Arimathea ', ask the body to the man who crucified him, assume that the body and make your own, so, the world `s atonement. If you are Nicodemus, the night worshiper of God, bury his body and anoint him with ointments of ritual, that surround it in your worship and your worship. And if you are one of Marie, shed your tears in the morning. Fa 'to see first the stone upside down, go meet the angels, even the same Jesus is what it means to become partakers of Christ's Passover.


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