Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cute Microdermal Piercing

The word of God is an inexhaustible source of life

From "Comments from the Diatessaron" of Sant `Ephrem, deacon
(1, 18-19; SC 121, 52-53)
Who is able to understand, Lord, all the wealth of one of your words? It is much more that escapes us than we can comprehend. We are just as thirsty that they drink to a source. Your word has many different aspects, as there are many perspectives of those who study it. The Lord has colored his words of many beauties, for those who prefer to contemplate what might stare. He has hidden all the treasures in his word, because each of us will find a richness in what they contemplate.
His word is a tree of life, from all over, hands you the blessed fruits. It is like that rock in the open desert, which became for every man, in every way, a spiritual drink. They ate, 'says the Apostle, a spiritual food and drank spiritual drink (cf. 1 Cor 10, 2).
The One who touches one of these riches do not think there is nothing in the word of God than what he found. Please understand rather that he was not able to find out if not one thing among many others. Enriched after the word, does not believe that this is impoverished by this. Unable to exhaust the wealth, give thanks for the immensity of it. Rejoice because you have been satisfied, but not for the sad fact that we exceed the richness of the word. He who is thirsty happy to drink, but not sad because he can not dry up the source. It is better that the source satisfies your thirst, the thirst rather than run out the source. If your thirst is off without the source is dried up, you Berva again whenever you need it. But if saziandoti dry out the source, is your victory would be your misfortune. Thank you for what you received and not to murmur that remains unused. What you have taken or carried away what is yours, but what remains is still your heritage. What you could not get just because of your weakness, receive at other times with your perseverance. `Do not have the gall to want to take in one go what can not be taken if not several times, and do not stray from what you may get just a little bit at a time.


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