Saturday, February 20, 2010

Smelling My Friends Feet

Christ is the way to the light, truth, life

under the Treaty on John »St Augustine, bishop
(Tratt. 34, 8-9; CCL 36, 315-316)
The Lord said succinctly: "I am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life" (Jn 8, 12), and with these words commands promises one thing and another. Let us, therefore, to perform what you command, because otherwise we would be impudent and shameless in demanding what he has promised, saying that in view, we would feel reproach: You have done what I have commanded thee, in order to now ask what I promised? What, then, you have commanded us, O Lord our God? Will answer: Whether you follow me.
You have asked a council of life. What kind of life, if not to whom it was said: 'It' in you the source of life "? (Ps. 35, 10). So let us now
work, we follow the Lord, break the chains that keep us from following him. But who can break these chains, if we do not help anyone to whom it was said, 'You broke my chains "? (Ps. 115, 16). In another Psalm he says: "The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord raises up those who fell" (Ps 145, 7. 8).
What are those planes that have been freed and raised, if not the light from which they are told: "I am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness"? (Jn 8, 12). Yes, because the Lord illuminates the blind. O brothers, now our eyes are treated with eye drops of faith. First, in fact, mixed his saliva with soil, to anoint the one who was born blind. We too are born blind from Adam and we need to be enlightened by him. He mixed his saliva with the land: "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (Jn 1, 14). Saliva mixed with soil, because it had already been predicted: "The truth will sprout from the earth" (Ps 84, 12) and he says: "I am the way, the truth and the life "(Jn 14, 6).
We will enjoy the truth, when we see face to face, we are promised that too. Who would dare, in fact, hope that God had not deigned to give or promise or?
face to face. The Apostle says: Now I know in part and now we see through a mirror dimly, but then face to face (cf. 1 Core 13, 12). And the apostle John in his letter adds: "Beloved, we now we are children of God, but what we will be has not yet been revealed. But we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see as he is "(1 Jn 3 2). This is the great promise.
If you love him, follow him. You say: I love him, but which path should I follow? If the Lord your God had said: I am the truth and the life, you, wanting the truth and the longing for life, trying to secure the road to get to one and other. Would you say to yourself: what is the great truth, great good is life: oh! if my soul can find a way to get there!
You try the way? Listen to the Lord telling you first: I am the Way. First to tell you where to go, he said to where you have to pass: "I am", said "the way"! The way to get where? The truth and life. Before you point the way to be taken, then the end where you're going. "I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life."
Staying with the Father, was the truth and life, our flesh, has become the street.
not you are told: you have to labor to find the way to get to the truth and the life you are told this is not. Lazy, get up! The same way you came and you woke up from sleep, even if you woke up. Get up and walk!
Maybe you try to walk, but can not because you hurt your feet. For why do you complain? Because they had to walk the hard path imposed by your tyrannical self-interest? But the Word of God has healed even the lame. You replicate
: Yes, my feet are healthy but I do not see the road. Well, know that he has illuminated even the blind.


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