Saturday, February 13, 2010

Safenet Sentinel Install Interrupted

In Christ we have been tempted, in him we won the devil

From "Commentary on the Psalms" of St. Augustine, bishop
(Ps 60, 2-3; CCL 39, 766)
"Hear, O God, my cry, be attentive to my prayer" (Ps 60, 1). Who is the speaker? It would seem one person. But look good if it's really just one person. He says: "From the ends of the earth I cry to you, while my heart is in anguish" (Psalm 60, 2). Therefore it is not
già di un solo individuo: ma, in tanto sembra uno, in quanto uno solo è Cristo, di cui noi tutti siamo membra. Una persona sola, infatti, come potrebbe gridare dai confini della terra? Dai confini della terra non grida se non quella eredità, di cui fu detto al Figlio stesso: «Chiedi a me, ti darò in possesso le genti e in dominio i confini della terra» (Sal 2, 8).
Dunque, è questo possesso di Cristo, quest'eredità di Cristo, questo corpo di Cristo, quest'unica Chiesa di Cristo, quest'unità, che noi tutti formiamo e siamo, che grida dai confini della terra.E che cosa grida? Quanto ho detto sopra: «Ascolta, o Dio, il mio grido, sii attento alla mia preghiera; dai confini della I cry to the ground. " That is, as I cried unto thee, I cried from the ends of the earth: that is, from everywhere.
But, because I shouted that? Because my heart is in anguish. Show that you are among all nations, all over the earth in great glory, but in the midst of great trials.
fact our lives on this pilgrimage can not be exempt from testing and our progress is accomplished through temptation. No one can know himself if he is not tried and can not be crowned without winning and can not win without a fight, but fighting a supposed enemy, a prova.Pertanto is one crying in anguish from the ends of the earth, but still is not abandoned. Because the Lord wanted us to envisage, which are his mystical body, in the events of his real body, in which he died, rose again and ascended into heaven. Thus, even the members can hope to arrive where the chief preceded them.
So as he has transformed itself, as he was being tempted by Satan. Let's read in the Gospel that the Lord Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert. Precisely Christ was tempted by the devil, but in Christ you were tempted, too. Because Christ took flesh from you, but if your salvation, death to you, saying your life, you humiliation, saying your glory, then you took his temptation, by itself your victory. If
we were tempted in lui, lui is precisely that we will win the devil. You stop your attention to the fact that Christ was tempted, because you do not consider that he also won? Was you to be tempted him, but I also recognize that in him you are the winner. He could take away from the devil himself, but if he had not left groped, would have taught you not to win when you are tempted.
In photos: Sandro Botticelli, Saint Augustine study.


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