Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Spearmint Tea To Treat Hirsutism

Once again we're approaching the end of a calendar.
If the end is a point of arrival and departure at the same time, during what has been experienced precedentetutto - suffering, fatigue and even nellagioia - you're not only behind but also on their shoulders.
go to this step is not final and do not roll out new projects, but let go of the old in creating space for the new arrival. The new
can not sit if you can not find space for himself Equest space does not create massing in the corner that no longer serves conl'idea keep it for a hypothetical future need. In the future c'èbisogno the past and the future is not tomorrow generated by the past.
between now and Christmas, create your own advent calendar, and instead of candy and scartarecioccolatini to recite nursery rhymes and little thoughts, each giornosvuota your pocket of a pain, a memory, a fixed idea and torturing of a grudge or remorse, regret or an illusion.
Let go of the past even some joy, because the joys of tasting different ones tiimpediscono past joys that await you.
emptied of desire and expectations that rely on fallimentoe frustration, that bind even closer to something that is not Enon sarà.Chiudi accounts. Pay a debt of gratitude, affection, love. Clear the credit of an injustice, a misunderstanding of an offense.
Remove and remove. do not feel that void temporarily lost, it is full dipotenziali facing a plowed field without rocks and old stumps, roots and peraffondare germinate.
not do now a list of what you think is not necessary: \u200b\u200byou can not know. Ognigiorno out of your pocket a small package. Acknowledge him and liberal dallaconfezione appearance. Surprise: you never thought that fosseproprio that thing to be an unnecessary burden.
Smile: How easy and sweet to leave what he asks to be left.

Good job.

Your Angel of Time


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