Thursday, December 10, 2009

Digital Playground Babysitter Streaming


invigorates the abdominal organs and genitals, while toning the muscles of the legs and neck.

There disteno on his back with arms at your sides and palms turned towards the floor with your fingers together.

Inhale sollevaiamo the head from the floor by bending your chin on his chest and simultaneously raise your legs (with feet on the hammer) in poszizione vertical, keeping your knees straight and the pelvis to the ground if possible . If we can extend to the head.

Exhale we report slowly on the ground and his head and legs, keeping knees straight.

During execution we must be very careful that all the back adheres to the floor, while lifting the legs. The impulse starts from the heels off the floor and flexing your feet "hammer", with fingers pointing toward the tibia. This starting position activates the extensor muscles of the legs.


"Offered load and force to every cell of my body!"

Health Benefits:

restaurant has an effect of the thyroid gland, over the adrenal, kidney, digestive organs of gaming, and sex glands and organs, including uterus and prostate. E 'useful for irregular menstrual cycle and relieves some of the symptoms of menopause. It has a positive effect on digestive and intestinal problems. And 'good for the circulation and respiration, making it more toned heart and diaphragm muscles, and regulates the flow of lymph. The movement also strengthens the abdomen, legs and arms to relieve the tension in the lower back, thereby diminishing the pain has a beneficial effect on the stiffness of the legs and neck.

(continued with explanations of the 3rd rite ....)


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