Thursday, December 10, 2009

2wire Warning Blaster Type Virus



strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest, stretches the back of the legs and back, stimulates and tones the abdominal organs and bowel affects all the chakras!

We put on all fours with hands resting on the ground, a bit further than the shoulder line with the toes bent. We keep both hands and feet at a distance of 60 cm.

Inhale lift our heads.

Exhaling raise the high bacinoallungando the back and legs and push your heels toward the floor. Inhale, lower the pelvis and the pubic area closer to the floor, but did not support the body, relying only on his toes and hands with his arms taut, her back arched, her head turned back and his mouth slightly open.


"The flexibility of body plasma my mind!"

Health Benefits:

has an invigorating effect on the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, kidneys, all organs and sex glands including the prostate and uterus. It favoriosce circulation and lymphatic flow, which has a positive impact on the immune system, stimulates deeper breathing, energy and vitality, and accelerates the rotation of all the chakras. It tones the abdomen, the heart muscle, and diaphragm, strengthen the abdominal muscles, legs and arms and helps to relieve back pain as well as the stiffness of the legs and neck. E 'helpful in alleviating menopausal symptoms and irregular or difficult menstruation. Also free the nasal cavities, reduces intestinal and digestive problems, helps those suffering from osteoporosis in the arms and legs and can bring relief to those suffering from arthritis to the pelvis, back, shoulders, hands and feet.

(continued with the advice to run ....)


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