The 13 Holy Night
Living Christmas in the light of Spiritual Science
The birth of Christ (the bearer of light) is placed in the days of the winter solstice, when the darkness is the highest degree and the days are shorter this year. Christ is born in these days to celebrate the rise of light over darkness, that is, in spiritual terms, the birth of consciousness on the darkness of unconsciousness, the victory of love over the darkness of matter.
entire period between the night of 24/25 December and on the night of 5 / 6 January, is particularly imbued with spiritual energy. The archetypal forces descend deep into the earth, so life is preserved in the being, our consciousness is strongly centered in itself.
In each of these nights operates a particular energy of the zodiac, each of which favors the development of a corresponding right inner
December 24 - FISH - Humility
December 25 - AQUARIUM - Acceptance of fate
December 26 - CAPRICORN - Keep balances ideals
December 27 - SAGITTARIUS - Do not be deceived by
on December 28 - SCORPIO - Transformation of the Soul
December 29 to 30 - BALANCE - Transformation of the Vital Body
December 31 - VIRGIN - Transform the Physical Body
January 1 - LION - Courage of sacrifice
January 2 - CANCER - Creating Harmony
January 3 - TWINS - Love as an act of freedom
January 4 - TORO - Contemplation of the Holy Spirit
January 5 - ARIES - Magnitude of Christ
Through meditation we can develop these powers and internalization and get the strength to move forward in the evolution of our consciousness
These Nights endless open spaces within us if we accept and listen to the message contained in them.
We know that the first to meet Jesus and the Magi were the pastors: Pastors are those who know the language of love that is humble and animals from Earth, the Magi, the secret language of the Stars. Thus, even noi possiamo comprendere che per far nascere il Bambino Gesù in noi (cioè il nostro Bambino Interiore, la nostra Coscienza, il nostro Sé) è necessaria la conoscenza della dolce forza dell’Amore e dei Misteri del Cielo.
Amore e Conoscenza sono le Vie per incontrare il Sé, il Cristo in noi, la Luce.
Questo è il vero significato del Natale e i doni che ci scambiamo in questo giorno sono un ricordo di quell’antico dono d’Amore e di Luce che il Cristo, fattosi Uomo, portò sulla Terra.
La Scienza dello Spirito insegna the 13 Holy Nights are at particularly imbued with spiritual energy, where the celestial hierarchy are closer to us. In particular this is the night of December 31, in the minute between 24:00 and 00:01. In that moment our desires are welcomed by the Spiritual Hierarchy and are returned to us during the year.
valued, then, this time with a small ritual or a meditation or silent prayer.
If we are celebrating the arrival of the New Year with friends and family, we can take all join hands in this sacred minutes to midnight, we close our eyes and focus intensely on our desires and aspirations, images that are brought by our Angels to Heaven.
After this brief but intense experience, even the greetings we exchange will be the richest of Love and Joy.
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