Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trotel Position Sensor Lemon

The power of words

We talk about the Law of Attraction and the importance of the thoughts that create reality.
is recommended in many texts to choose carefully to be aware of thoughts and emotions that arise from these.
is rightly gives importance to the realization of these two important instruments (thoughts and emotions) through which we build our lives.
But if the thought is capable of constructing reality as does the emotion associated with it, there is another equally important tool with which conscious or not, we create our fate: the word.
The word is thought that the rest of the sound and its vibration is powerful.
Our entire reality of the rest comes from a sound, a sound primitive, as they know those who chant the AUM meditation or who knows the sacred texts on which is written
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" (Jn 1, 1-18 ).
If the word (both written and spoken) has a resonance in the cosmos so strong, then why not learn how to carefully choose?.

Rinaldo Lampis writes in a text that I really loved the title The conscious use of energy :
"The word is a type of energy more powerful than thought, because it is thinking with more energy sound, it is important to pay attention not only to the thoughts coming from our program, our way of thinking, but also the way we express ourselves (by eliminating those words and phrases that we use automatically during the day) makes energy emanating weak, inaccurate or harmful to our health mental. "

In practice as we describe in words the world as it presents itself to our eyes.
If thoughts are the pen with which we write our own reality dipped in the ink of the emotions, then the word is a sign that we put on the white sheet of our existence.
Attention to the words then, take care all. Do not let them get out of your mouth without you being aware of the consequences that they can trigger.
words also create karma, create it and how, for better or for worse.
Take the example of a word, a word of contempt for someone or something. The
say. The throw in a speech there, believing it safe, maybe in bad taste for some, but still harmless. But the ugly word begins his journey, resounds in the universe and expands its message into the cosmos.
will return to us sooner or later, in one form or another.
The bad word is like a paper thrown on the ground. It is not the end of the world, but you will come back through town or a dirty city.
This is not to incite a linguggio bigot, but ecological clean, conscious and dictated solely dall'amorevolezza. We read in

light on the path, a treatise on the inner path whose origin is lost in the mists of time (its original form was that of a palm leaf manuscript on which were drawn up precious aphorisms, each of which can be considered a pearl of wisdom from the immortal and universal value):
"Before voice can speak in the presence of the Masters, it must have lost the power to wound. Before the soul can stand in the presence of the Masters, his feet should be washed in the blood of the heart. "

that your words are like music of the angels.


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