Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pokemon Crystal Game For Mobile

The best way to be unhappy is to have a conviction , any ...
We are extremely harmful beliefs such as those relationships, which tend to apply the parameters or rules to persons rather than to feelings, both unique and specific and therefore not measurable, not cataloged, do not judge ... Having a conviction also means having a definite certainty that there are people with a conviction exactly the opposite, or at least different ... That should be enough to realize that any belief is subjective and changeable ... really can change the perspective open the doors of new knowledge, more extensive and accurate ... new horizons, new horizons, new experiences ... The conviction may be scientific, but here too there are many things that science does not explain but accepted anyway ... in fact, science itself has a history in which knowledge has changed with the change of the same belief, the earth was once flat, now it's round ... yet it has always been round, what has changed is knowledge. On the basis of current knowledge is called spherical earth and is probably so and so will ... but the same consideration should be made on all of our individual beliefs, not to annul, but leave open the possibility for change. abandon their beliefs to free oneself from statutory schemes, internal duties, mental pressures that affect a multitude of unnecessary things in our lives ... There are historical beliefs, and yet in every country the story is told through people and places made different interpretations of particular political ... Yet the same religious beliefs conflict with each other for the diversity of views and values \u200b\u200bdo not therefore, they are imperfect, one cancels the other ...

religious convictions are very comfortable, for example, to avoid facing reality, many, many difficulties: renunciation, sacrifice, pain, deprivation, subjugation, dedication ... are values \u200b\u200bthat make unnecessary unhappy, free ... unjustified by the need that each person has to exist primarily: happiness, joy, colors, love, life ...

The soldiers shoot, kill, devastate ... are convinced to do the right thing but it is not clear that they are doing ... is blatantly obvious ... yet I do believe a flag, a desire of conquest or revenge, but that is not even their politicians that they maneuver ...

Remove the strings of puppet ...
are not puppets ... leave belief to those who have neither character nor personality ... Open yourself to the possibility to change the way we see things ... change knowledge, change their minds, to love different people, living in a different way ... free yourself from the chains depressing shopping, career, money, any form of fanaticism or flag, any same habit ...

You may find that a conviction does not eat food that tastes delicious, that a person does not respond to your beliefs is really wonderful and you can even fall in love ... discover new places, different ways of being, thinking, believing, evaluating, exist, love ... course ...

is not my intention to convince you of this ... :-)


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