Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lost Antenna Wireless

Water is composed of two molecules of hydrogen and oxygen, the same particle is going through a cycle that leads in various stages: liquid, solid or gaseous ...

may be a fragment of a snowflake, a fragment of a drop in the ocean, a fragment of a cloud of white steam ... a fragment of mobile and driven by wind, nature, people ... can be part di un perenne ghiacciaio, parte di un fiume, un lago... può stare riunchiusa in una bottiglia o scendere da una cascata... può essere liscia, gassata, persino diuretica e priva di sali, salata, dolce o fresca, bollente...

può essere ovunque...

osserva la pioggia, le pozzanghere, le goccioline sul vetro che ricamano ombre e disegni, amalgamandosi e striando le cose, il mondo, bagnato e umido...

ogni singola goccia di pioggia può essere stata parte di un grande oceano...

an eternal glaciers ...

a small tear ...

look at the rain, that stops things, the colors ... bathes the world and people ...

tear down the little in the rain and melted in the universe, part of a single system that would take it in the sky, flying in the clouds ... surfing with the power of a storm to a tropical paradise of love ...

Tears are love ... no matter for joy or pain ... just tears of love ...


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