Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sibutramicina Clorhidrato

Lesson 15 of the course "The Conscious Creators "

Historically, for many hundreds of thousands of years, creatures from all over the universe came to Earth and have set up, in addition to having maintained certain thought-forms in your world. Some of these beings, as Jesus Christ and the Ascended Masters, have instilled in your world the thought forms of love, grace and compassion, with the intention to help you achieve the highest possible experience for you, that is to become a with God in this life.

Other beings who have visited your country have also seeded the world with your thought-forms, but these were not beneficial for you. These beings were literally fed your energy, taking it for their own selfish ends. To do this, they filled your environment of negative thoughts that are designed to enslave you and make you live to the lowest level of existence.

to disengaging these influences selfish, you have to understand that you, as a human being, you're infinitely powerful law. Your attention is of utmost importance, depending on what thoughts you choose to focus on, and depending on the words you say, you can give full expression to your power or you can throw it away. Beings who would steal your energy are very experienced in their deceptive practices, but there is information in particular that you have systematically concealed with great care, and it is this: you manifest what you say you will and manifest what you say not will.

This means that when you express yourself in a negative way, you attract the exact opposite of what you want for yourself. An example of this is obvious when you say you do not want an accident to happen to you or a disease. What most of you do not understand is that talking about something - whether you desire or not - evoking, the draw on your experience.

See people always do that. Talking about something that they do not want to happen and, in fact, happens. Not that they were aware of this, but talking about the imagined event and in so doing they have attracted. Because their thoughts always create their future, they actually gave birth when they said that they did not want that to happen.

Some thought-forms are designed to play tricks on me, making you believe your experience to keep out unwanted from your life by giving voice to your resistance. Now, however, as you are beginning to explore more carefully how the thinking, you can see that you're undermining or sabotaging yourself with all your negative talk, which are the cause of most of your calamity for the simple fact that talk.

The antidote to disasters and accidents that can happen is you only speak to the positive, being more attentive to what you're saying, and stop before you express the negative. Then, you can replace "I do not want" and all the various discourses of disaster, instead of saying what you actually want. If, for example, you find yourself while you're saying "I do not want war" - which, as you have learned, will evoke only more aggression and more violence - instead you can say "I declare that I live in peace."

Just say an expression like this, you mention only the positive. There is no chance for war because you have not mentioned anything about it.

integrating the positive language daily in your vocabulary you can do a little 'practice. How to become more conscious of what you say, your old habits tend to emerge and it will be normal to have to take a moment to imagine and understand the positive way of say something. This is what happens in the meetings of conscious creators, where we often helps to find a way to make a positive intention. It is good to learn how to do this because this exercise is for people to become more positive. Begin to consider these examples as an opportunity to sharpen your creative skills. While you discover that is a real challenge at times to speak positively, you will learn that it can be fun. This is the spirit in which the Masters recommend that approach the positive language. Make it fun.

After all, have fun with joy is always a good thing.

This part of the course is completed. Will soon follow instructions on how to proceed.

you soon!


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