Saturday, November 28, 2009

How To Masterbate In Secret

The water comes from a spring clean, crystal clear ... pure ...

In time we discover that it can also be cloudy, polluted, channelized, conveyed in pipes, sewers, bottled up, even paid ...
The effort required to build a sewage treatment plant to bring it back to its original state is enormous: costs of design, construction and maintenance overtime ... All
to bring it back to its original state ...

E 'is much, much easier to avoid polluting it ...
able to avoid its pollution interior means you do not need to justify a mistake, do not feel obliged to reciprocate, revenge, pay back ... means avoiding compensate with plenty of source materials, its spirit, its source ...

Lost Antenna Wireless

Water is composed of two molecules of hydrogen and oxygen, the same particle is going through a cycle that leads in various stages: liquid, solid or gaseous ...

may be a fragment of a snowflake, a fragment of a drop in the ocean, a fragment of a cloud of white steam ... a fragment of mobile and driven by wind, nature, people ... can be part di un perenne ghiacciaio, parte di un fiume, un lago... può stare riunchiusa in una bottiglia o scendere da una cascata... può essere liscia, gassata, persino diuretica e priva di sali, salata, dolce o fresca, bollente...

può essere ovunque...

osserva la pioggia, le pozzanghere, le goccioline sul vetro che ricamano ombre e disegni, amalgamandosi e striando le cose, il mondo, bagnato e umido...

ogni singola goccia di pioggia può essere stata parte di un grande oceano...

an eternal glaciers ...

a small tear ...

look at the rain, that stops things, the colors ... bathes the world and people ...

tear down the little in the rain and melted in the universe, part of a single system that would take it in the sky, flying in the clouds ... surfing with the power of a storm to a tropical paradise of love ...

Tears are love ... no matter for joy or pain ... just tears of love ...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Negative Side Effects Of Sceletium

The search for a soul mate is often distorted by errors of evaluation that distract us from the true existential
According to a simple evaluation criterion based on plane geometry is easy to realize that if a triangle is coupled with another equilateral triangle is born a couple that has boundaries, perimeter, and the rigidity of an orthogonal square .. . the same happens if you mate two squares to obtain a rectangle, but even if the figures were a little more complex, such as a scalene trapezoid with a pentagon, it produces a figure composed of n
sides, however due to the boundary parameters, such as perimeter and area
It 's like marrying a tree with a log, a firefly with an opera, a fighting fish with a vase of hydrangeas, or a lioness with a microprocessor ... To resolve all is well from themselves, excluding their own forms, their limitations, open your soul to an area not outlined, but rather endless, clear and bright, remove obstacles and barriers, beliefs and remove constraints, posts and feelings that follow a previous disappointments or want a renewal, change, improvement ... The great inner revolution occurs when there is a form to define their own demarcated territory ... here then become the subject, and reshape endlessly malleable, able to take informed, rounded, almost like a liquid, a fluid that coexists in the cosmos, creating branches, branches, tentacles can embrace the universe, thoughts flowing oxygen rich as a source of water, feeding rivers seas and oceans ... listening to every cell of our energy we can get starry openings or coexist in a tiny living space: it is our soul that opens ... not the body ...
Then, like a hot sun and light, we find our soul mate ... will be in the same space ... will have the same light ... and the impact will be born a deep cosmic energy like nuclear reaction ...

This powerful energy, explosive, full ... is written in a magic formula and we know that we all possess: A + M + O + R + E = LOVE

we forget ... live it ... !

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sibutramicina Clorhidrato

Lesson 15 of the course "The Conscious Creators "

Historically, for many hundreds of thousands of years, creatures from all over the universe came to Earth and have set up, in addition to having maintained certain thought-forms in your world. Some of these beings, as Jesus Christ and the Ascended Masters, have instilled in your world the thought forms of love, grace and compassion, with the intention to help you achieve the highest possible experience for you, that is to become a with God in this life.

Other beings who have visited your country have also seeded the world with your thought-forms, but these were not beneficial for you. These beings were literally fed your energy, taking it for their own selfish ends. To do this, they filled your environment of negative thoughts that are designed to enslave you and make you live to the lowest level of existence.

to disengaging these influences selfish, you have to understand that you, as a human being, you're infinitely powerful law. Your attention is of utmost importance, depending on what thoughts you choose to focus on, and depending on the words you say, you can give full expression to your power or you can throw it away. Beings who would steal your energy are very experienced in their deceptive practices, but there is information in particular that you have systematically concealed with great care, and it is this: you manifest what you say you will and manifest what you say not will.

This means that when you express yourself in a negative way, you attract the exact opposite of what you want for yourself. An example of this is obvious when you say you do not want an accident to happen to you or a disease. What most of you do not understand is that talking about something - whether you desire or not - evoking, the draw on your experience.

See people always do that. Talking about something that they do not want to happen and, in fact, happens. Not that they were aware of this, but talking about the imagined event and in so doing they have attracted. Because their thoughts always create their future, they actually gave birth when they said that they did not want that to happen.

Some thought-forms are designed to play tricks on me, making you believe your experience to keep out unwanted from your life by giving voice to your resistance. Now, however, as you are beginning to explore more carefully how the thinking, you can see that you're undermining or sabotaging yourself with all your negative talk, which are the cause of most of your calamity for the simple fact that talk.

The antidote to disasters and accidents that can happen is you only speak to the positive, being more attentive to what you're saying, and stop before you express the negative. Then, you can replace "I do not want" and all the various discourses of disaster, instead of saying what you actually want. If, for example, you find yourself while you're saying "I do not want war" - which, as you have learned, will evoke only more aggression and more violence - instead you can say "I declare that I live in peace."

Just say an expression like this, you mention only the positive. There is no chance for war because you have not mentioned anything about it.

integrating the positive language daily in your vocabulary you can do a little 'practice. How to become more conscious of what you say, your old habits tend to emerge and it will be normal to have to take a moment to imagine and understand the positive way of say something. This is what happens in the meetings of conscious creators, where we often helps to find a way to make a positive intention. It is good to learn how to do this because this exercise is for people to become more positive. Begin to consider these examples as an opportunity to sharpen your creative skills. While you discover that is a real challenge at times to speak positively, you will learn that it can be fun. This is the spirit in which the Masters recommend that approach the positive language. Make it fun.

After all, have fun with joy is always a good thing.

This part of the course is completed. Will soon follow instructions on how to proceed.

you soon!

Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Hack A Sidekick Lx For Money

Lesson # 14 of the course" Conscious Creators "The Five Tibetans

The critical

Consider what happens when you light a match. There is a critical point where minimum friction is sufficient to cause the spark that lights a fire that does not exist just before and immediately after burn more vigorously in front of you. The same happens with humanity when it moved into the new millennium. It is not for everyone cause the change, just need a sufficient number of us who will live in a world of peace and freedom and joy. It will happen instantly. One moment we are still dragging in the shadows, and then, suddenly, the instant after, inspired by a person breaks a pattern that limits him all my life and opens us to the supreme good - and this simple act of love, the entire human race reaching a critical point. A spark of light flickers, then goes up in flames by announcing a new model and the life they all deserve to vivere.Quella person could be you.


D. The world is changing so quickly for me, and I find myself to be upset when things that I usually have no more. What can I do?
R. There are times that test your Spirit. Normally, when you look carefully at the situation where you are, find out what is not so bad. It's just that you think it brutta.Se discover that you're upset when a big change is happening, remember to be friendly towards others. People around you may be the only ones that will help you. Treat them the way they want to be treated. Be patient, ask what you need, and be ready to ricevere.Soprattutto, stay with the creative process and continues to move forward.
D. I think I'll have to do some action if my intentions are to occur. Can you tell me about this?
R. We found that a recipe for creative success invites us to use three ingredients: Intent, is applied to define a desired result or goal. Our experience has taught us that when we make an intention, it is wise to be precise about what we want to express, but leave the details vague about when or how our intentions are to us. Following these guidelines and invoking the supreme good, we allow the Universe to use any one of the infinite variety of ways to manifest our intentions. The Creator knows that attaches to a single specific route or to try to create its abundance substantially limits the magical work of the Universe. The second ingredient, the feeling comes in the framework to provide the energy needed to develop our intention by un pensiero in una realtà eterica che è sospesa e pronta a sbocciare nel mondo intorno a noi. Osservando molti dei potenti creatori negli anni, siamo arrivati a capire che quelli che erano in grado di evocare il sentimento che avrebbero sperimentato avendo raggiunto il loro obiettivo (sebbene in realtà potesse non essere ancora manifesto nella realtà fisica), ottenevano risultati di gran lunga maggiori di coloro i quali non erano in contatto col potere dei loro sentimenti. Detto in un altro modo, se una persona può mantenere costante il sentimento di gratitudine in anticipo rispetto alla vera manifestazione delle sue intenzioni, incrementerà immensamente il suo grado di successo.Appena le nostre intenzioni cominciano a precipitare dall'invisibile in the physical manifestation, we need to be ready to apply the third ingredient: the action. Before taking action, however, there must be a waiting period or a pause that lasts as usual a few days (although the amount of time may vary depending on the expertise of the designer and the fact that the greater good is served or less). This happens when we let go of all attachments and concerns about our creative endeavors and we retire in a state of divine indifference. Taking this break allows the universe to consciously work at their own pace to the arrangement of things. Then, after the waiting period is over and our intention is to get ready, we will notice A set of "synchronicity" begin to appear in our lives. We have entered a magical stream that is characterized by a sequence of events that occur around us that we are moving towards the success of our desire. When this flow of "coincidences" apparently magic is revealed, is for us to take the right action that every event requires synchronous until our final goal is reached. If, for example, we decided to meet our soul mate, and a fascinating new person comes into our lives, then we pursue that opportunity to find out if this is the love of our life, or is simply a contact with someone who has something to offer, as we continue to move toward our relationship desiderato.Se think we have met your soul mate, then take the decision to learn more about this person to be able to see where it leads to the report. It could be the one we so desired, or perhaps there will be someone who will submit our soul mate. In both cases, because opportunities like this arise, it is up to us to provide the appropriate actions to the materialization of our intention. The idea is to continue to advance. Sometimes all we need to do is reach out or answer the phone, but, more often, our objectives will be achieved by following a chain of synchronic events and occasions, each of which brings us closer to the big final which is a manifestation of our original intention.
D. talk about peace. Peace is really possible?
R. Absolutely. Once you have expressed intentions for a while ', will look back at some of your dream come true. Remember the first time you decided to have an intention to get something you thought was almost impossible for you to have. But you took courage and said "the devil" and continuasti anyway. And then, suddenly - PATABOOM! - Appeared in front of you! You had the first taste of the creative process at work, and you realize that you were not limited as you used to be. You could "do it" with confidence and expect that your main intentions come to light, no matter how difficult it seemed at first. This is the attitude that will bring lasting peace to our Terra.Tutto is possible! Start with a little thought, turns in a few words said, "If it's for the greater good, that peace and love and grace return to Earth now. So be it and so it is." And ends with all of us, immersed in wonder, before the threshold of a new world.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bursting Of Blook Vessels In The Breast

few years ago ... although much younger ... I always felt tired and overwhelmed.
I trudged laboriously dragged among the thousands of daily tasks ... I caused a little walk out of breath and exhausted I just collapsed on the couch in the evening without ever having the satisfaction of seeing the end of a movie or read more than three lines of the same book again every night .. .

Until, during a holiday, a friend gives me a book to read, saying: "Would you like to read this book? I have borrowed, but does not inspire me even a little!"
So start reading the little book under an umbrella ...
and it was love at first sight!

The book was called "The Five Tibetans" spoke of a sequence of yoga poses to do everyday, and promised marvels for the body and mind.

But the exciting thing was the absolute simplicity of this practice, however, took away very little time ... not a small thing for a mom on the run constantly, torn between home and work.

The enthusiasm with which I have tried to involve more of my fellow travelers, unfortunately, has not been satisfied, so I started alone and quietly doing the exercises that the book
described in the early morning, before that others will wake up and take me around 15 days time ... and I was one!

I returned from holiday with a load of energy that I felt much, but then I ended justify as a direct consequence of the rest and relaxation (such as mica was awake now! :-)))

The What really caused a remarkable change in me ... it took me some time later to take the path of yoga ... and from then on I like to think that the story of my life has been an uphill path. ..

Despite my path of study, however, love the 5 Tibetans remained and every day I spend quarter of an hour of their time each morning end of the world!

The simplicity of the five movements are ideal for those who will not or can not join a yoga class and I will explain why ....

(more. ...)

What Exactly Does A Hymen Look Like

Lesson 13 of course "Conscious Creators"

Continue advancing

There are times for us all when life presents its challenges. We feel that you have lost our way and there's nowhere to turn. Every way seems desolate, cold, inexorable, and the voice of doubt does not give us a moment of tregua.Vorremo give encouragement to those who are going through such a moment. When all hope seems to be gone, his intentions are still here. Their choices are still there. Continues to advance. Even if the voice in my head says that everything is lost and that any further action is pointless, do not give up. Remember the truth - that just because your intentions are not yet known does not mean you are going to manifestarsi.Continua going. No matter what you do. It declares that, from now on, all your changes are gradual, gentle and full of grazia.Il creative process never fails. It is only when we become impatient, intolerant, or forget that our thoughts are creating our experiences that we suffer. There is no situation that can not be reversed. In every experience is a gift, even if we have to use a magnifying glass to find it. We can manifest miracles until we give up our dreams, as long as we want and we continue to put on the top that is noi.Perciò be good to yourself. Life experiences bring us closer to discovering who we really are. Every challenge brings us closer to knowing that, in our core, we are spiritual beings. And, always remember that things can change. Good things can happen in the blink of an eye. One moment you can be angry with the world and think of giving up everything near and dear to you - and the next moment, a spark of love can warm your heart and bring a new joy in your life. Your spirit can soar.

continues to move forward.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monthly Cost Of Rituxan

Lesson # 12 of the course "The Creators Conscious "The power of words

The search for people to achieve happiness through material wealth, has never given the results attesi.C ' was a time when this was very attractive, but has left many with a feeling of emptiness. One day, you can be in top of the material world, enjoying all his generosity, and the next day, that generosity could become oppressive or non-existent, leaving to wonder why we spent so much time and energy perseguendolo.Un common theme running through the minds of many is that there must be much more to life. There must be something we can do, or some place we can go to achieve lasting happiness appartenerci.Fortunatamente know instinctively that there is a place where we can go to satisfy us, we offer a wide range of wonderful experiences. This place is in us - in all of us and for all. As we close our eyes and we stop for a moment, visions, sounds, and sensations that were once hidden are shown to us. We realize that we are much more of our body. Being that we live in a physical body, and this being continues to exist after death fisica.Mentre we practice looking inward, we find that the spiritual being that lives in us is not hindered by man-made rules, invented by the scenarios, and survival needs of the physical body. It is unlimited. He takes us to worlds that previously did not know existed. Suddenly, we realize that the true destiny of men and women have free access to the higher state of consciousness. We see that our future is in other realms, other dimensions, other universes. We feel like a seed that has been dormant for a long time now that he blew up his head from the ground, its new leaves scattered all over the world, and stretches his arms towards the young cielo.In Similarly, our spiritual being is helping us by offering these sublime states of happiness in every moment. But before they can be in contact with the spiritual essence within us, we must first understand what it means to become experts Essere.Dobbiamo the fine art of being present. A way of being present is sitting or lying motionless in a comfortable position for a while 'time, with eyes closed (unless you have already experienced), staying close and letting go of all thoughts and feelings that you connecting the physical world. In this state of Being, grow quiet, always coming back to it when it was gently interrotta.È very useful exercise to keep the attention in the present moment every day because the effect is cumulative. It is how to strengthen a muscle - the more you practice the best experiences you will have.

For those who persevere with the highest intentions, a crystal blue-white light will be a sign of the darkness behind your closed eyes from the heavens and angels sing from the depths of your silence.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Trotel Position Sensor Lemon

The power of words

We talk about the Law of Attraction and the importance of the thoughts that create reality.
is recommended in many texts to choose carefully to be aware of thoughts and emotions that arise from these.
is rightly gives importance to the realization of these two important instruments (thoughts and emotions) through which we build our lives.
But if the thought is capable of constructing reality as does the emotion associated with it, there is another equally important tool with which conscious or not, we create our fate: the word.
The word is thought that the rest of the sound and its vibration is powerful.
Our entire reality of the rest comes from a sound, a sound primitive, as they know those who chant the AUM meditation or who knows the sacred texts on which is written
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" (Jn 1, 1-18 ).
If the word (both written and spoken) has a resonance in the cosmos so strong, then why not learn how to carefully choose?.

Rinaldo Lampis writes in a text that I really loved the title The conscious use of energy :
"The word is a type of energy more powerful than thought, because it is thinking with more energy sound, it is important to pay attention not only to the thoughts coming from our program, our way of thinking, but also the way we express ourselves (by eliminating those words and phrases that we use automatically during the day) makes energy emanating weak, inaccurate or harmful to our health mental. "

In practice as we describe in words the world as it presents itself to our eyes.
If thoughts are the pen with which we write our own reality dipped in the ink of the emotions, then the word is a sign that we put on the white sheet of our existence.
Attention to the words then, take care all. Do not let them get out of your mouth without you being aware of the consequences that they can trigger.
words also create karma, create it and how, for better or for worse.
Take the example of a word, a word of contempt for someone or something. The
say. The throw in a speech there, believing it safe, maybe in bad taste for some, but still harmless. But the ugly word begins his journey, resounds in the universe and expands its message into the cosmos.
will return to us sooner or later, in one form or another.
The bad word is like a paper thrown on the ground. It is not the end of the world, but you will come back through town or a dirty city.
This is not to incite a linguggio bigot, but ecological clean, conscious and dictated solely dall'amorevolezza. We read in

light on the path, a treatise on the inner path whose origin is lost in the mists of time (its original form was that of a palm leaf manuscript on which were drawn up precious aphorisms, each of which can be considered a pearl of wisdom from the immortal and universal value):
"Before voice can speak in the presence of the Masters, it must have lost the power to wound. Before the soul can stand in the presence of the Masters, his feet should be washed in the blood of the heart. "

that your words are like music of the angels.