Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sasusaku=vegeta And Bulma

10 Steps to become the master of yourself - Part 1
: Izabel Telles:

Step 1: Exercising the mind

I dedicate this project to you, the reader or reader, that you want to work more and more, each passing day, to find the true self and integrate it to your universe of life and relationships humans.

My proposal this time is to take you into the world of mental images for you to immerse yourself in a step by step so that this tool can help.

mental images: A way to brighten up your life

What are mental images?
The mental images are literally the mind creates images to process, deliver, record, store and repeat the quality of our emotions. In phenomenology
mental images are considered the path of the heart - that that vehicle that links the world invisible to the visible world, an original human to rebuild our relationship with the source, who knows everything and sees everything.
It is the natural language of the mind.
Every night, when we dream, we come into contact with the language.
The work I do in my clinic in Sao Paulo is another way to know these images. Using my gift, I got in this world to know what are the holographic images that are preventing that human being to meet its mission in this life and walk the path that leads to happiness.
identifying these images then create specific exercises to enable the person to practice alone at home, to change its model, the belief that formed the image. Why create images and shape to a point.
accessing this holographic world we verify what our imaginary mind thinks, creates, records. Yes, because in principle our mind is fueled by our thoughts (our beliefs) and then these beliefs are transformed into images and images in these experiences.
The use of mental imagery as a technique of treatment has more than 5,000 years and this knowledge was applied to create unity between body and mind in the Western world.
The Egyptians used this technique to contact the invisible world, as well as to advise and treat.
If you take the Bible, you will see that each verse is a perfect film filled with images, metaphors and symbols. Exactly how the mind.
give an example of how these images are formed

Today a client of mine asked me, after I had finished to see the images of his mind:

"Izabel, why our minds a lot more records images of misery, pain, depression, despair and noise, rather than the positive images of triumph, joy and hope "?

- I recalled an Eastern proverb that says:
The mind registers the happiness and unhappiness in the sand in the stone.

Replying further to your question, I said
"For me, the mind, with its billions sensory cells distributed throughout the body, becomes the emotional impact that I experience feelings recorded in his field as holographic images, which eventually turn into experiences in our daily lives.
And, as you know, the pictures will cause a negative impact much greater than the positive.
This happens on the ground that are followed by sounds, physical gestures, tensions and a theater-emotional apparatus that impresses the mind more quickly.
But, most important of all this is knowing that we can influence this situation by using different techniques and this will tell you about what practical exercises of mental images
Through these exercises we can enter every day in our minds and bring a new image that can replace the one that exists, creating a solution to the conflict and getting light.
We call this a reverse process, that do exactly the opposite of what we used to do. So we can help the mind to receive our positive impact in a strong and intense as it receives our negative impacts, replacing negative beliefs with positive, thus changing our direction in life. How

lesson for home leave you an exercise to practice during these 7 days:
Clean all your body and draw light to your life. You can always wake up the exercise.
Sit down with your feet firmly on the ground, place your palms on your thighs, close your eyes, breathe slowly three times and direct your attention to the title of this year, which will last just a few seconds. The title is:

cleaning exercises

See, hear, feel or imagine your body like a huge magnet that attracts a lot of old iron-useless. These are old-irons all your toxic thoughts that feed your negative concepts.

Feel human again and imagine a giant vacuum cleaner sucking up all this junk and disintegrating these toxic residues in space.
View or imagine, now, this same magnet attracting to your field everything that you want more, now forming a new concept enlightened and positive in your mind.

Then open your eyes and breathe

How do you feel?
If it is positive, repeat this same exercise for seven days.
instructions can register using your voice. A normal voice, and always listens to the instructions on waking. Exercises in mental images are not relaxation or meditation. They are an efficient way of working, reversion, cleaning and lighting.
We feel next week.


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