Monday, July 19, 2010

Funny Best Friend Quotes For Picnik

The power of love immunostimulant

"Today, science can finally begin to understand the action of the Spirit.
Another discovery by researchers at Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza, which terminates the dichotomy between science and mysticism. "

The psiconeuroendocrinoim-munologia (PNEI) is the science that studies the ratio between mind, emotions, endocrine sys-tem, immune system and states of consciousness and their chemical mediation, in order to show their interdependence-psycho-chemistry.

can be identified in the brain that there are two fundamental neurochemical sys-tems, and complementary to the polar-ro: An Op-called system pioide: it is linked to life-conscious, pituitary gland or pituitary gland located the center of the brain (corresponding to the 6th chakra or Ajna).

This system is activated under stress, do-pain, anxiety, irritability, inducen-do immunosuppression or disease state. It is mediated by catecholamine-sheets, adrenal steroids and op-pioidi endorphins and dynorphin.
The other, the cannabinoid system is related to the conscious life and on-percosciente, allowing humans to perceive the universe. It is related to the pi-neale gland or epiphyses, located in the brain without being part of it (or chakra corresponds to 70-brah marandhra). This system is involved in inducing the perception of pleasure, joy and the expansion of consciousness in the e-spirituality of love. (It is wrong to believe that five-and the production of endorphins that makes possible the perception of pleasure and re-enhances immunity, but are the barrel-binoidi and pineal indoles). The

PNEI clearly demonstrates the existence in the human body to a double regulation, the first under the laws of nature me-metabolism-organic-exerted by the pituitary gland or pituitary gland (which means in nature), obeying of nature. Under the pure metabolic ism, therefore, all bodies are biologically related to each other. The second related to the universal laws and spiritual exerted by the pineal gland or epiphyses (which means above nature), that is, according to the dynamics of the heavenly sanctuary.

Here emerges the differ-ze in human biochemistry, which are only functions of the different levels of love expressed by the individual. The pineal gland, already show-ing centuries ago as the seat of l'Anima-by Galen and Descartes, is the point where the relationship between spirit and body SICO-Fi, allowing you to re-experience the expansion of consciousness. From
relationship between pituitary and pineal gland, ie in their synergistic relationship endocrine, and between the epiphysis and the cardiac endocrine activity, one day you will get to determine how an individual is re-open the hook, because every state of consciousness recognizes both a chemical me-mediation.
a loss of harmony between man and the universe (a theory already postulated by Plato) cause of every disease, documented who now becomes their chemically-level al-Teratai pineal function in major diseases such as cancer and psychosis. The main truth is that the so-love is to structure the human biology, which reaches just the state of love, his absolute perfection psicoendocri-noimmunologica, then the condi-tion of total health.

Love thus becomes a factor if lezionante-evolution of human biology (and certainly not the de-Sider, or rationality). "Love is in the heart test co-physical", he maintained a great initiate of novatese our age, and science is now in the position to give distract him. The heart has
activities endo-bristle, and there is great diversity in hormone levels between a heart that loves and one who does not know A-more.
the heart that knows no love, producing endocrine-na would be preferentially in terms of endothelin-1 (ET 1), which carries both inhibitory activity on pineal gland on the coccyx, activates the sympathetic nervous system (such as preparing hypertension and myocardial ische-mia) causes immunosuppression and acts in the sense protumorale.
contrast, in the heart that loves, the production is oriented endocrine-ta preferably in terms of monetary or-atrial natriuretic (ANP), which stimulates both the pineal gland that the fragments-gea, co-activates the parasympathetic system (which antagonizes the action of the sympathetic system neurovegetavivo co) induced immunostimulation and therefore carry out anti-tumor effect.
In practice, the ET-sgrega -1 of the unity of biological life, the ANP maintains the unity of the living person, acting as a principle of regeneration.

Also there is a close relationship between human nature (which can be translated as a sexual experience) and spirituality, and this ratio has been studied to- and proven by PNEI. It can be shown that the physico-ity of sexuality is the same as that which the average expansion of spiritual consciousness.
As is also shown that cannabinoids strabile-sub-stances or Marijuano-like mediators of the chemical were psichede Lycian-expansion of consciousness-za, favor a state of immunity (and therefore also for anti-tumor-inhibitory we live on the proliferation of malignant cells). The separation of the ses-sual experience from the spiritual consciousness, as a result of a culture incorrect, impossible to live fully the state of Love, since the source to draw on the e-nergy psychic ecstatic expansion of consciousness is not that the same sexual experience with tut-ing the range of his erotic nuances. It is important to underline that Love is not in-tend the simple desire or emotional drive, which can only be the initial stimulus or the fuel needed for power-ing the Divine Flame in the heart.
The science of love is confirmed by the fact that all those who live, albeit in different eras and different cul-king, describing it in the same way, namely as a sense of warmth in the heart of physical warmth that is Joy, joy becomes Com-passion, Compassion-is that of infinite mercy. Lidentità man is an indivisible whole and at the same time-faded between the body (as a chi-mica) and spirit.
So, everything is chemical affects the lives and emotional-spiritual-to every possible neuroimmunochimici psychospiritual effects are induced. At PNEI must therefore scientific knowledge of chemistry've always known authority in the sacred disciplines philosophically auks-lar (BIOMODULO the role of the pineal gland, thymus gland and coccygeal). So the state of pleasure and love immunostimulation, potential ziando so the natural resistance body disease. The role of the immune system is not to defend ourselves from the outside, but to maintain the identity-of themselves. The
PNEI shows that everything is linked with-everything, everything is unity in the biology of the human body responds to the ego and all, having a plurality of different molecules and metabolic actions and emotional. It is therefore necessary to recognize that human biology is structured as archetypes, ie under similar micro-macrocosmic. For example:

the transcription of genetic DNA requires three types of RNA, as are three aspects of the divine. 4 are the genetic basis neucloti-dich, as are the four elements of being (Earth, water, air, fire). 12 are the cranial nerves, as are the 12 constellations zo-Say it. 22 are the amino acids, such as 22 are the archetypes of the Tarot (or major arcana). 7 are the main endocrine glands, such as 7 are the major centers of vital energy (or chakra).


Science shows how co-stablished human nature even in its chemical components, which demonstrates the Pleasure, Love and Spirituality have power immunostimulant, which the body secretes substances you Marijuano-po- Similar, that we are all interconnected with a Uni-verse, as the philosophers say of the past. It was finally
recognized that the design-to-magical chemistry of the world has always maintained: that the psyche is the au-tocoscienza bodies that are existing stone regardless of the physical body, which estab-lish the reality of thin and energy, but with- ; time that exists for each emotional state and every state of consciousness a similar chemical (hormone, neurohormones, neuro-transmitter, neuropeptide, and I quote-china) which mediates in the physical realities subtle physical, mental and spiritual energy without the side- would not be possible to try the corporate level the infinite range of emotional states of consciousness and being. Ultimately
is scientifically proven that there is a reality spi-ritual. The standard engine is the Love of Life that can be manifested only in Joy. The more a man came up to this reality, the more with-divide with others, the more closer to God

This service is based on the number 17 in the journal Science and Knowledge
Barbara Boniardi


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