Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sasusaku=vegeta And Bulma

10 Steps to become the master of yourself - Part 1
: Izabel Telles:

Step 1: Exercising the mind

I dedicate this project to you, the reader or reader, that you want to work more and more, each passing day, to find the true self and integrate it to your universe of life and relationships humans.

My proposal this time is to take you into the world of mental images for you to immerse yourself in a step by step so that this tool can help.

mental images: A way to brighten up your life

What are mental images?
The mental images are literally the mind creates images to process, deliver, record, store and repeat the quality of our emotions. In phenomenology
mental images are considered the path of the heart - that that vehicle that links the world invisible to the visible world, an original human to rebuild our relationship with the source, who knows everything and sees everything.
It is the natural language of the mind.
Every night, when we dream, we come into contact with the language.
The work I do in my clinic in Sao Paulo is another way to know these images. Using my gift, I got in this world to know what are the holographic images that are preventing that human being to meet its mission in this life and walk the path that leads to happiness.
identifying these images then create specific exercises to enable the person to practice alone at home, to change its model, the belief that formed the image. Why create images and shape to a point.
accessing this holographic world we verify what our imaginary mind thinks, creates, records. Yes, because in principle our mind is fueled by our thoughts (our beliefs) and then these beliefs are transformed into images and images in these experiences.
The use of mental imagery as a technique of treatment has more than 5,000 years and this knowledge was applied to create unity between body and mind in the Western world.
The Egyptians used this technique to contact the invisible world, as well as to advise and treat.
If you take the Bible, you will see that each verse is a perfect film filled with images, metaphors and symbols. Exactly how the mind.
give an example of how these images are formed

Today a client of mine asked me, after I had finished to see the images of his mind:

"Izabel, why our minds a lot more records images of misery, pain, depression, despair and noise, rather than the positive images of triumph, joy and hope "?

- I recalled an Eastern proverb that says:
The mind registers the happiness and unhappiness in the sand in the stone.

Replying further to your question, I said
"For me, the mind, with its billions sensory cells distributed throughout the body, becomes the emotional impact that I experience feelings recorded in his field as holographic images, which eventually turn into experiences in our daily lives.
And, as you know, the pictures will cause a negative impact much greater than the positive.
This happens on the ground that are followed by sounds, physical gestures, tensions and a theater-emotional apparatus that impresses the mind more quickly.
But, most important of all this is knowing that we can influence this situation by using different techniques and this will tell you about what practical exercises of mental images
Through these exercises we can enter every day in our minds and bring a new image that can replace the one that exists, creating a solution to the conflict and getting light.
We call this a reverse process, that do exactly the opposite of what we used to do. So we can help the mind to receive our positive impact in a strong and intense as it receives our negative impacts, replacing negative beliefs with positive, thus changing our direction in life. How

lesson for home leave you an exercise to practice during these 7 days:
Clean all your body and draw light to your life. You can always wake up the exercise.
Sit down with your feet firmly on the ground, place your palms on your thighs, close your eyes, breathe slowly three times and direct your attention to the title of this year, which will last just a few seconds. The title is:

cleaning exercises

See, hear, feel or imagine your body like a huge magnet that attracts a lot of old iron-useless. These are old-irons all your toxic thoughts that feed your negative concepts.

Feel human again and imagine a giant vacuum cleaner sucking up all this junk and disintegrating these toxic residues in space.
View or imagine, now, this same magnet attracting to your field everything that you want more, now forming a new concept enlightened and positive in your mind.

Then open your eyes and breathe

How do you feel?
If it is positive, repeat this same exercise for seven days.
instructions can register using your voice. A normal voice, and always listens to the instructions on waking. Exercises in mental images are not relaxation or meditation. They are an efficient way of working, reversion, cleaning and lighting.
We feel next week.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Cleana Flat Iron Grill


When we think, we put into motion vibrations of high degree, which are as real as the vibrations of light, thermal, and electrical noise.

The Universe is governed by the law, a wonderful law that manifests itself in many forms but, as seen from the highest point, is one. Some of the events we are familiar, while others do not know hardly anything, but every day we learn something more, and the veil of our ignorance is lifted gradually. We can talk in an educated law of gravitation, while ignoring another great manifestation of the Act, the law of attraction.

that great manifestation of Law which draws and holds together the atoms that make up the field there is family: we recognize the power of the law which means that bodies are attracted by the earth, which maintains stable orbits of the planets, but we close our eyes to the mighty law that draws to us the things we desire or fear, the law makes or breaks down our lives.

Realizing that Thought is a force - a manifestation of energy - with a power of attraction similar to that of a magnet, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that until now there have appeared obscure. No other firm is better able to repay the effort and time spent as the study of mechanisms inherent in the law of this great world of thought: the Law of Attraction.

When we think we emit vibrations which consists of a fine ethereal substance, as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity or magnetism. The fact that these vibrations are not evident to our five senses does not prove that they do not exist. A powerful magnet emits vibrations and exerts a force sufficient to attract to itself a piece of steel weighing a hundred pounds, without which we can perceive this impressive force nor by sight, nor with the taste or by smell, with the 'hearing or by touch.

Similarly, these vibrations of thought can not be seen, tasted, smelled, heard or felt in the ordinary way, although in fact they were filed cases of people who are particularly sensitive to psychic impressions which have been able to feel powerful waves of thought, and many of us can testify that he had heard distinctly the thought vibrations of others, both in the presence of the person who utters them, both at a distance . Telepathy and related phenomena are not vain illusions. Light and heat are manifested by vibrations of much lower intensity than those of Thought, but the difference lies only in the intensity of vibration. The annals of science throw an interesting light on the issue.

Professor Elisha Gray, an eminent scientist, in his book The miracles of nature, says:
"The idea that there sound waves that the human ear can not hear, and waves of colored light that no eye can see, it offers extensive material for speculation. The range of spacious, quiet dark ee including between 40,000 and 400,000,000,000,000 vibrations per second, where light ceases to exist, the universe in motion, can indulge in further speculation. "

MM Williams, in his book entitled Short chapters on science, says
"There is no comparison between the fast wave movements that produce our perception of sound, and those, very slow, giving rise to our feelings of comfortable warmth . There is, between them, a huge gap, large enough to include another world in motion, instead of the sound between our world and our world of light and heat, and there is no reason to suppose that matter is incapable of such intermediate activity, or that such activities can not give rise to intermediate sensations, provided there are organs able to receive and translate the feelings in their movements. "

I refer to the two prominent personalities mentioned only in order to offer food for thought, and not to show the fact that the vibrations of thought exist. The last mentioned fact has been widely acknowledged, to the satisfaction of many scholars in the field, and a brief reflection will show you how it coincides with your own experiences.

We often hear repeated the well-known assertion of mental science, "Thoughts are things", and pronounce these words in our turn without realizing consciously what the meaning of that statement. If we fully realize fully the truth of this assertion and the natural consequences of the truth that there is inherent, then we understand a lot of things that until now there have appeared dark, and we would be able to make use of that great power, the power of thought in the same way we use any other manifestation of Energy.

When we think, we put into motion vibrations of a very high level, which are as real as the vibrations light, heat, sound and electrical properties. And understand the laws that govern the production and transmission of these vibrations we will be able to use them in our daily lives, as we use the best known forms of energy.

The fact that we can not see, weigh or measure these vibrations is no proof that they do not exist. There are sound waves that no human ear can hear, although some of them are however undoubtedly received from the ears of some insects, while others are recorded by sensitive scientific instruments invented by man, but there is a wide gap between the sounds recorded by the instrument more sensitive and the limit that the human mind, reasoning by analogy, knows to be the boundary line between sound waves and other forms of vibration.

And there are light waves which the human eye does not register, some of which may be perceived to be more sensitive instruments, and many others are so fine that has not yet been invented an instrument to record, although every year make great strides in the field to explore and is reduced gradually. As we are creating new tools, new vibrations are registered, but they were real both before and after the invention of the instrument.

imagine that it has no instrument can record the magnetism could be justified in denying the existence of that powerful force, since it could be neither heard nor smelled, or heard, or seen or tasted, or weighed or measured. And yet the powerful magnet, however, emit waves of force sufficient to draw to itself pieces of metal weighing hundreds of pounds. Each form of vibration requires a peculiar kind of instrument to be recorded.

Currently the human brain seems to be the only instrument capable of registering thought waves, although occultists claim that the 900 scientists invent device sensitive enough to capture and record such phenomena, and everything suggests that a invention is similar to appear at any moment: the demand exists and undoubtedly will be implemented shortly. But those who have experience in the practice of telepathy does not need any other evidence in addition to the results of their experiments.

We continually send out thoughts of greater or lesser intensity, and collect the results of those thoughts. Not only the waves of our thoughts affect ourselves and others, but they also have a power of attraction: attracted to us the thoughts of others, and even things, situations, people or "luck", depending on the nature of thought in Our mind is dominant. Thoughts of Love 'will attract to us the' love of others, circumstances and conditions in accordance with thought and thought people from similar.

Thoughts of Anger, Hate, Envy, Malice and Jealousy will draw to us a hideous array of similar thoughts emanating from the minds of others, the circumstances in which we are called to manifest these vile thoughts and in turn receive them from others; people who manifest a lack of harmony, and so on.
A strong thought or a thought of time, will make us the center of attraction of the corresponding waves of thought of others. Similar attract, in the World of Thought - you reap what you sow. The

like loves his like in the Thought World - as well as rains but are never alone. The man or woman who is full of 'Love Love sees around him, and attract the' love of others. The man whose heart is so full of hate will hate because it is able to withstand. Man's Struggle with thoughts in general comes across throughout the fight that they need to be able to move forward.

And so it goes, each gets what he calls through the wireless telegraphy of the Mind. The man who gets up in the morning feeling "bad mood" usually manages to drag the whole family in the same mood before the breakfast is over. The woman "petulant" usually finds a way to gratify his propensity for "insolence" during the day. The question of attraction of thought is of the utmost importance.

When you stop to think of it you will understand that man is really the architect of his surroundings, as it tends to shift the blame onto others. I have personally known people who, once you understand this law, have maintained a peaceful and positive thinking, is immune to the disharmony that surrounded them. Like a ship whose oil had been poured into the troubled waters, they stood safe and secure on the storm that broke out around them.
Once you understand the dynamics of the law, you are no longer at the mercy of the fitful storms of Thought. We went through the era of physical force until the age of intellectual supremacy, and now we are preparing to cross the threshold of a new field and mostly unknown, that of psychic power. This field has its own laws to be justified, we should familiarize ourselves with them, not to be put on the wall as it is ignorant to the levels of action.

my care will clarify the main principles which underpin this new energy field that is opening up before us, and that you may be able to make use of this enormous power with a view to applying it to a legitimate purpose and worth, in the same way in which men now enjoy the steam, electricity and other forms of energy.

Source: The Law of the BIS PUBLICATIONS, scienzaeconoscenza.it

Monday, July 19, 2010

Funny Best Friend Quotes For Picnik

The power of love immunostimulant

"Today, science can finally begin to understand the action of the Spirit.
Another discovery by researchers at Ospedale San Gerardo di Monza, which terminates the dichotomy between science and mysticism. "

The psiconeuroendocrinoim-munologia (PNEI) is the science that studies the ratio between mind, emotions, endocrine sys-tem, immune system and states of consciousness and their chemical mediation, in order to show their interdependence-psycho-chemistry.

can be identified in the brain that there are two fundamental neurochemical sys-tems, and complementary to the polar-ro: An Op-called system pioide: it is linked to life-conscious, pituitary gland or pituitary gland located the center of the brain (corresponding to the 6th chakra or Ajna).

This system is activated under stress, do-pain, anxiety, irritability, inducen-do immunosuppression or disease state. It is mediated by catecholamine-sheets, adrenal steroids and op-pioidi endorphins and dynorphin.
The other, the cannabinoid system is related to the conscious life and on-percosciente, allowing humans to perceive the universe. It is related to the pi-neale gland or epiphyses, located in the brain without being part of it (or chakra corresponds to 70-brah marandhra). This system is involved in inducing the perception of pleasure, joy and the expansion of consciousness in the e-spirituality of love. (It is wrong to believe that five-and the production of endorphins that makes possible the perception of pleasure and re-enhances immunity, but are the barrel-binoidi and pineal indoles). The

PNEI clearly demonstrates the existence in the human body to a double regulation, the first under the laws of nature me-metabolism-organic-exerted by the pituitary gland or pituitary gland (which means in nature), obeying of nature. Under the pure metabolic ism, therefore, all bodies are biologically related to each other. The second related to the universal laws and spiritual exerted by the pineal gland or epiphyses (which means above nature), that is, according to the dynamics of the heavenly sanctuary.

Here emerges the differ-ze in human biochemistry, which are only functions of the different levels of love expressed by the individual. The pineal gland, already show-ing centuries ago as the seat of l'Anima-by Galen and Descartes, is the point where the relationship between spirit and body SICO-Fi, allowing you to re-experience the expansion of consciousness. From
relationship between pituitary and pineal gland, ie in their synergistic relationship endocrine, and between the epiphysis and the cardiac endocrine activity, one day you will get to determine how an individual is re-open the hook, because every state of consciousness recognizes both a chemical me-mediation.
a loss of harmony between man and the universe (a theory already postulated by Plato) cause of every disease, documented who now becomes their chemically-level al-Teratai pineal function in major diseases such as cancer and psychosis. The main truth is that the so-love is to structure the human biology, which reaches just the state of love, his absolute perfection psicoendocri-noimmunologica, then the condi-tion of total health.

Love thus becomes a factor if lezionante-evolution of human biology (and certainly not the de-Sider, or rationality). "Love is in the heart test co-physical", he maintained a great initiate of novatese our age, and science is now in the position to give distract him. The heart has
activities endo-bristle, and there is great diversity in hormone levels between a heart that loves and one who does not know A-more.
the heart that knows no love, producing endocrine-na would be preferentially in terms of endothelin-1 (ET 1), which carries both inhibitory activity on pineal gland on the coccyx, activates the sympathetic nervous system (such as preparing hypertension and myocardial ische-mia) causes immunosuppression and acts in the sense protumorale.
contrast, in the heart that loves, the production is oriented endocrine-ta preferably in terms of monetary or-atrial natriuretic (ANP), which stimulates both the pineal gland that the fragments-gea, co-activates the parasympathetic system (which antagonizes the action of the sympathetic system neurovegetavivo co) induced immunostimulation and therefore carry out anti-tumor effect.
In practice, the ET-sgrega -1 of the unity of biological life, the ANP maintains the unity of the living person, acting as a principle of regeneration.

Also there is a close relationship between human nature (which can be translated as a sexual experience) and spirituality, and this ratio has been studied to- and proven by PNEI. It can be shown that the physico-ity of sexuality is the same as that which the average expansion of spiritual consciousness.
As is also shown that cannabinoids strabile-sub-stances or Marijuano-like mediators of the chemical were psichede Lycian-expansion of consciousness-za, favor a state of immunity (and therefore also for anti-tumor-inhibitory we live on the proliferation of malignant cells). The separation of the ses-sual experience from the spiritual consciousness, as a result of a culture incorrect, impossible to live fully the state of Love, since the source to draw on the e-nergy psychic ecstatic expansion of consciousness is not that the same sexual experience with tut-ing the range of his erotic nuances. It is important to underline that Love is not in-tend the simple desire or emotional drive, which can only be the initial stimulus or the fuel needed for power-ing the Divine Flame in the heart.
The science of love is confirmed by the fact that all those who live, albeit in different eras and different cul-king, describing it in the same way, namely as a sense of warmth in the heart of physical warmth that is Joy, joy becomes Com-passion, Compassion-is that of infinite mercy. Lidentità man is an indivisible whole and at the same time-faded between the body (as a chi-mica) and spirit.
So, everything is chemical affects the lives and emotional-spiritual-to every possible neuroimmunochimici psychospiritual effects are induced. At PNEI must therefore scientific knowledge of chemistry've always known authority in the sacred disciplines philosophically auks-lar (BIOMODULO the role of the pineal gland, thymus gland and coccygeal). So the state of pleasure and love immunostimulation, potential ziando so the natural resistance body disease. The role of the immune system is not to defend ourselves from the outside, but to maintain the identity-of themselves. The
PNEI shows that everything is linked with-everything, everything is unity in the biology of the human body responds to the ego and all, having a plurality of different molecules and metabolic actions and emotional. It is therefore necessary to recognize that human biology is structured as archetypes, ie under similar micro-macrocosmic. For example:

the transcription of genetic DNA requires three types of RNA, as are three aspects of the divine. 4 are the genetic basis neucloti-dich, as are the four elements of being (Earth, water, air, fire). 12 are the cranial nerves, as are the 12 constellations zo-Say it. 22 are the amino acids, such as 22 are the archetypes of the Tarot (or major arcana). 7 are the main endocrine glands, such as 7 are the major centers of vital energy (or chakra).


Science shows how co-stablished human nature even in its chemical components, which demonstrates the Pleasure, Love and Spirituality have power immunostimulant, which the body secretes substances you Marijuano-po- Similar, that we are all interconnected with a Uni-verse, as the philosophers say of the past. It was finally
recognized that the design-to-magical chemistry of the world has always maintained: that the psyche is the au-tocoscienza bodies that are existing stone regardless of the physical body, which estab-lish the reality of thin and energy, but with- ; time that exists for each emotional state and every state of consciousness a similar chemical (hormone, neurohormones, neuro-transmitter, neuropeptide, and I quote-china) which mediates in the physical realities subtle physical, mental and spiritual energy without the side- would not be possible to try the corporate level the infinite range of emotional states of consciousness and being. Ultimately
is scientifically proven that there is a reality spi-ritual. The standard engine is the Love of Life that can be manifested only in Joy. The more a man came up to this reality, the more with-divide with others, the more closer to God

This service is based on the number 17 in the journal Science and Knowledge
Barbara Boniardi

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Can Sulfites In Wine Cause Tachycardia?

The Indigo Children

DIFFICULT? EXCESSIVE - Impetuous - Indomitable - Inattentive
DEAL WITH CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WE exasperated. Unknowingly leads us to review all our old system parental SCHOOL. See how we can help us to help.

Indigo children are born with a sense of royalty and have self-esteem, are restless, they feel misunderstood and say clearly what they need. I'm pretty rebellious and unconventional, have problems with the authorities, are "alternative" in the sense that they often find a different way of doing things, are often considered asocial or antisocial, and the school is an ordeal for them.
Indigo children need guidance and attention ...

Sunday, October 10, 2010 10:00
Mirano (Venice) Via Bastia Out of 58 c / o Hall Conf Villa Errera

Ass.ne Cultural
Light Bridge

Monday, July 12, 2010

Golden Airsoft For Sale

HERE '... and now: bridge of light

HERE '... and now: bridge of light : "As everyone can see, there is a symbol written above the logo and the identification of 'Bridge of Light', which has the obi ... "

Friday, July 2, 2010

Worlds Largest Gangbang Annabel Stream

The art of posting

Many are resistant to the idea that detachment is necessary for the awakening of consciousness and strengthen. Behind us is often the belief that the posting is a cool approach to life, or that it is a way to avoid responsibility.

The truth is the opposite. It 's only when "let go" what which you are attached that creates the space for the new manifest. It is only when you are detached in situations of crisis and chaos that can be of real use to others who are taken emotions.

But how do you detach? How to take a step back and create space to see more clearly and be free from the many influences that surround us? Here are seven ways to break away. Each is useful depending on the situation and circumstances.

-------- 1. Change your relationship: to be the one who possesses it becomes the trustee
Use this mental position as becoming too attached to what you have. Remind yourself that nothing really belongs to you. You can not own anything. You're just a custodian of all that is your life until the time comes when somebody else will benefit.

2. Let go
Consider this approach when you're clinging to a particular opinion or position. The next time you're involved in a dispute over disarming the other saying: "I do not agree with you, but I accept your point of view. Tell me more so that he can understand why you think so. "

3. Practices giving
Use this method when you know you want or want something from others. When you want something, you're already attached to the object of your desire. Almost all learn this habit from birth, "singing" often "Gimme, gimme, gimme!" Break the habit by practicing knowingly giving.

4. Mentally shown different results

Apply this way when you're afraid to change and / or when you're clinging to some form of self-restraint (eg "I can not"). All athletes know the power that comes from the mental representation or view. Take a few minutes to see a positive future and you will feel free enough to address what will be and, with practice, becomes conscious creator of your future.

5. Do not identify with the situation / result

Use this position with any mental process at any time and anywhere in life. This simply means do not depend your happiness by something outside of yourself, especially the results of your actions or the other. Be happy whatever comes. Happiness is a choice and decision, not an occasional or an addiction. Act in the best and you will find that happiness will come spontaneously.

6. Imagine someone else to be involved in the situation, as you do?

Use this attachment when your thinking affects your ability to interact with others. Take a moment to imagine how someone that appreciates the wisdom to handle the situation. This loosens the grip you have on "your way" and your habitual reactions. If it is nearby, ask them how they react.

7. Look at the situation through the eyes of

This is suitable for every conflict situation, it forces you to let go of attachment to a single point of view, yours, and to generate understanding and empathy. Ask and listen, ask and listen, ask and listen is the key to understanding the views of others. By doing so you will see through the eyes of another and let go of your point of view more easily.

Question: Which of the strategies described may be used immediately?

Reflection: Take a moment and reflect on why you stick to the other and why love is not attachment.

Action: Make a plan to use any given point in the next seven days or seven weeks. Then put it into practice.

(the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University)