Wednesday, November 24, 2010

License At 18 In North Carolina

appybrain, check appbrain from the command line. Persuading

and see the site in search of tasty new app to install on your android? Yes? Very good. I also control aggornamenti and new applications, but it 's awfully boring appbrain open the page each time and look for new programs from the various lists. For this I wrote a script in python semplicissimp we will simplify 'the life, appybrain
. The operation and 'simple. The terminal run the program and specify the category they belong to the applications you want to monitor, "popular", "Highest Rated", "hot week" and so on. python - hot-week
And you'll get a list of the first 10 applications' use of the week and voted. That 'just one example, specify the option - help for available commands.
To download: wget & & tar-xzvf appybrain-0.1.tar.gz 

I intend to expand the program, adding new features, so I already 'divided files, despite their tiny size. : D

That said, enjoy!


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