Saturday, November 6, 2010

Angelique Form I Love Money 2

Why 'should do without the Task Killers.

. Avete mai provato la sensazione di leggerezza quando premete il pulsante "kill apps" e spargete sangue uccidendo i processi attivi sul vostro Androide? Bene, sappiate che il vostro smartphone non prova la stessa sensazione di benessere secondo geek for me . Vediamo perché. L'autore dell'articolo originario (che potete leggere qui, in inglese) dice che anche lui all'inizio e' stato contagiato dalla mania di uccidere processi e aveva anche la sensazione che lo smartphone andasse più veloce e avesse migliori prestazioni, ma poi scopre che uccidendo i processi che
are not ready to be you kill you get almost the opposite effect, ie a consuming more memory. According to the article, stop the process prematurely and 'damage to these key reasons:
Android has an intelligent memory management and processes. Terminates processes remain idle in for a long time and end a process if and 'request more' memory, all

  • killing important processes such as the operator sms, alarm, could come to create dysfunction not particularly pleasant. Alarm does not work, SMS not received so. Some applications, when you kill, it will restart automatically. Restarting the app, should
  • nuovamene charge
  • going to use more memory as well. and fundamental applications running in the background actually use very little CPU
  • . The author stresses that it is a misconception that many people use less memory, the faster the battery wears out. The data that must be kept under control and 'the amount' of CPU used.
  • Also I have seen people incorrectly assume That the more memory in use, the battery will die faster Their. This Would Actually Be More Attributed to the amount of
processor cycles (CPU%) going and not on the amount of memory taken up by Being A Certain program.
I leave you to 'original article killers and attention to task and process: D


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