Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prayer Before Thesis Defense


The new system to get the discount petrol has seen the City of Casciago miss another opportunity to give timely service to its citizens.
As you know from 1 March this year the old petrol discount card will be replaced by the Charter of Regional Services (CRS), the health card, but that 'requires the activation of your PIN to use it that the majority of people did not obviously richiesto in precedenza.
Il Comune di Casciago non si e' attivato puntualmente e in pratica "costringe" i propri cittadini a recarsi fisicamente presso altri sportelli in cui e' possibile abilitare il codice- i piu' vicini sono l'Asl di Via Monte Rosa e Via Rossi a Varese, l'Asl di Gavirate, lo Spazio Regione di V.le Belforte, gli sportelli dei Comuni di Luvinate, Barasso e Varese- e affrontare spesso lunghe code per una semplice operazione.
Un meccanismo abbastanza farraginoso anche quello dell'abilitazione dei familiari del titolare all'utilizzo della tessera sanitaria per lo sconto benzina, che attualmente sembra fermo e comunque non get in doors that do not have the personal data in question. Congratulations also to the Region of Lombardy for the management of procedures, even the common list of enabled and 'incomplete .......
Only in recent days it seems that municipal administrators Casciago have "woken up" trying to activate the service in late guilty but the whole thing can not 'from day to day and month-end deadline approaching .
Please note below some contact details and links to activate the code and information for further clarification and 'active even toll Region 800,030,606.
We remain at your disposal for your records at

Group Board "common objective"

Asl Varese -door Via Monterosa 28 tel. 0332/828459, health card code release schedules from Monday to Friday 8.30-12, 14-16 Wednesday
Via Rossi-stop from Monday to Thursday 9-11 and Saturday morning
City Luvinate Via San Vito 3 tel.0332/824130
Area Region Viale Belforte 22 Varese tel. 0332/331038 Monday to Thursday 9.30-12.30 and 14.30-16.30, Friday 9.30-12.30
Municipality of Varese Via Sacco, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:15 to 13:10, Tuesday and Thursday schedule continued 8:15 to 16:30, Saturday 8:15 to 12:15
Asl Gavirate Viale Ticino 33 tel. 0332/744110 - 0332/745398
City Barasso Via Roma 26 Tel 0332/743386, schedules cod.tessera health issue for non-residents Tuesday from 9 to 11 am, Friday h. 11 / 13

Link Useful / life / articolo.php? id = 192680


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