Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Does A Football Visor Work For Lacrosse?


"We also do party ... walking together" that's the slogan that accompanies the excellent program sponsored by the Ministry of Community S. Eusebio to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Italy and join with all citizens of the three municipalities involved: Casciago, Luvinate Barasso and the special " walk which will take place on the afternoon of Sunday, March 20 ( read the attached flyer program ) Three municipalities, three colors, so we wanted to remember this important anniversary; together in a day of celebration of excellence for Christians (Sunday) together and to remember that we are all part of Italy and others before us have contributed to this country and our parishes are been essential places of the territory.
good walk!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Brazilian Wax For Men Toronto 24/7

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A Committee was established Casciago P. Maspero writes

Today March 15 at the prestigious venue of FondazioneComunitaria of Varese was presented to the press on the nascent program "P. Maspero Committee" to celebrate and promote / training on the territory local character and history related to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. The Committee is built on the wishes of some individuals who believe in a historical period as one in which we live, characterized by a progressive weakening of what is the awareness and knowledge of our history more or older, they raise the priority of remembering the birth of our unitary state. To do this, the Committee dedicated to the memory of Paolo Maspero wants to give form to ideas and civic initiatives that " " bottom ", as the movements that sprang up from the bottom then contributed with important re-evaluated today, Unity of Italy. Hence the idea of \u200b\u200ba free Municipal Committee, duly constituted - who wanted to give the name of an important figure of the Risorgimento, but almost forgotten, a distinguished patriot of the native population of Morosolo - with the desire to involve more people also possible and especially in the neighboring town of Varese and in the neighboring territories that shone for his contribution to the cause of the Risorgimento.
Which figure best of Paolo Maspero, personal physician and friend of the Countess of Belgaum, can help to relive the highlights of the participation of Lombard people (including the Countess stood out particularly) the creation of unified Italy?
"Committee P. Maspero"

All are invited to attend and / or join as individuals, institutions, associations, will be raised for the committee to provide and disseminate the program of events that promises to be interesting and special
for membership: comitato.paolomaspero @

Monday, March 14, 2011

How To Ratate The Movie Qiuick Time

There Aspem

We publish below the response of Aspem following our report on the discrepancy in the notice of the change in collection days differentiated due to the holiday on Thursday March 17. Summary proper information changes: Thursday, 17 - collection only of 'wet as scheduled. Other collections scheduled for Thursday, 17 respectively, will be recovered Friday 18-card collection - and Monday 21 - Dry undifferentiated collection and glass.
Sorry to point out that for ten days on the website of the City of Casciago was published in the notice calling for exposing wrong bins with glass Thursday, 17 withdrawn on 21!

Stefano Church
Group "common objective"

Dear Councillor Church,
Thank you for your bug report in the news on our website and sent to the City of Casciago. We confirm that the recovery of the collection of glass will be Monday, March 21, so glass containers will be exposed in the late evening of Sunday, March 20. We have already taken steps to inform the City of Casciago and correcting the site.

The Head Office of Communications and RE
Dr. Mario Quadrelli

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ankylosing Spondylitis Scholarship

We have become a district of Varese?

Cari amici

L'altro giorno abbiamo scritto al Sindaco di  Casciago chiedendo di convocare il Consiglio Comunale per festeggiare i 150° dell'Unità d'Italia. Ci sembrava un modo significativo ed economico per ricordare una data così importante.
Attendiamo una risposta.
Indirettamente ci è arrivata tramite Varese News e il sito istituzionale del Comune: " Cittadini di Casciago, volete festeggiare i 150 anni dell'Unità?  Andate il Piazza Repubblica, a Varese."
Ma lo sa che Casciago è un Comune autonomo e non un quartiere di Varese?
Complimenti per l'iniziativa!!!!

Andrea Zanotti

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Plus Size Brazillian Wax


Ecco la dichiarazione del Vice Sindaco Fabrizio Anesa apparsa sul quotidiano on line Varesenews del 4 marzo 2011:

Nel dibattito su Piazza Cavour si inserisce una stringata dichiarazione del Vice-Sindaco e Assessore ai Lavori Pubblici del Comune di Casciago, che sconfessa di fatto quanto affermato dal Sindaco e dall'Assessore Ciotti - vedi articoli di giorni scorsi su questo blog - affermando che non ci sono risorse per nuove rotonde e che i lavori di completamento della piazza verranno finiti entro l'anno, gli altri esponenti dell'Amministrazione parlavano di contatti in corso con l'Anas per studiare la fattibilità di una rotonda a " biscotto ". Sempre dalle affermazioni di Anesa " l'attuale viabilità non verrà stravolta "- i suoi colleghi parlano di " situazione temporanea da sistemare "- ma verranno effettuati solo interventi minimali per migliorare il transito veicolare - cosa tra l'altro già richiesta da parecchio tempo dal nostro gruppo "Obiettivo comune".

Da tutte queste dichiarazioni contraddittorie and an about-face, he concludes that in our confusion reigns over the town council, among other things that you are not wanting to pay new taxes to the citizens but for the completion of the Piazza Cavour and sewers surrounding you spend - for now - Other 120 000 € 70 000 of which financed by mortgage!

And last "joke", the plan of public works in the City of Casciago approved last November, envisages an expenditure of € 300,000 for the construction of the new Piazza Cavour, starting work in July 2011 , the work is referred to as "high priority ," but declares that it is the Deputy Mayor the exact opposite!

Council Chamber Group "common objective"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Electro Song That Counts

Aspem and alerts to the citizens of Lombard Casciago

Following the planned festivities on March 17, established by the Government on the occasion of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the company Aspem Italy communicate alternative dates for recycling in the town of Casciago. Thursday, 17
will 'be made only in the waste collection, the Friday paper 18, the dry Monday, 21 undifferentiated, for glass Aspem, after our report, you and' release and noticed the error on Monday to confirm the withdrawal 21. On the website of the City of
Casciago there for ten days' notice wrong!

the Pro Loco of Casciago calls D om Enic March 20 a ' excursion to explore the valleys and the vantage points that go down to the lake of Varese. The excursion will be accompanied by the Voluntary Ecological Guards of the Regional Park of Campo dei Fiori

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mac Camera Not Working On Oovoo


Whatever happens is your journey ... whatever your journey you can only go ...

Browniesvegetable Oil


A precious treasure is always kept in the deep ... more places ...
is more valuable

painted with hearts who uses the colors available and derives from these wonderful, beautiful works ...

You're a big planet ... gravitational pull me ... I stationed a long time in your orbit, but then something has sold ... are now a fiery meteor that just want to impact in your magic light ... become part of you, in your heart melt ...

When it's time to become otherwise, will happen ... we have the energy to do it and we will channel our aims in that direction ... if we do not is because should not happen: the feeling of dissatisfaction comes from lack of those things that we are identifying as targets, but the fact that our spirit is not aware that those are our goals

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Clf2lewis Dot Structure

Efficiency ...???

How poteve provide for the Lombardy Region has postponed until April 3 transition to the new discount scheme for gasoline is to use the health card in place of the old paper.
Overcrowding at the counter for issuing the PIN code and some petrol stations not yet equipped for the new card - through no fault of their - he knocked the system that was managed by the Region very impromptu, forcing all concerned to get in queue for hours for a few minutes of operation. The risk is also a second line for the extension of the discount to the family of the owner of the vehicle as some branches have no provisions in this regard. Given the emergency were attivati anche sportelli presso i centri commerciali Le Corti e Iper di V.le Belforte, oltre che quelli di Gavirate, Cocquio, Mesenzana e Cugliate F.
Fino al 3 Aprile sarà possibile utilizzare sia la vecchia carta che la nuova.
Per quanto riguarda il Comune di Casciago- come avevamo sottolineato qualche giorno fa sul blog - a tutt'oggi gli sportelli non sono abilitati al rilascio del Pin e nemmeno si sa se riusciranno a partire in una data utile.
Ai cittadini di Casciago consiglio, oltre ai centri commerciali, l'utilizzo degli sportelli dei Comuni di Luvinate e Barasso dove ci risultano piu' brevi i tempi di attesa.

Stefano Chiesa  for Casciagonotizie

Partial List offices authorized to issue health care card Pin code:

Asl Varese -door Via Monterosa 28 tel. 0332/828459, health card code release schedules from Monday to Friday 8.30-12, 14.00-16 Wednesday
Asl Varese Via Rossi -stop from Monday to Thursday 9-11 and Saturday morning
City Luvinate Via San Vito 3 tel.0332/824130
Area Region Viale Belforte 22 Varese tel. 0332/331038 Monday to Thursday 9.30-12.30 and 14.30-16.30, Friday 9.30-12.30
Municipality of Varese Via Sacco, Monday, Wednesday, Venerdì 8.15-13.10, Martedì e Giovedì orario continuato 8.15-16.30, Sabato 8.15-12.15
Asl Gavirate V.le Ticino 33 tel. 0332/744110 - 0332/745398
Comune di Barasso Via Roma 26 Tel 0332/743386, orari rilascio cod.tessera sanitaria per i non residenti Martedì dalle 9 alle 11, Venerdì h. 11/ 13
Link utili:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Guys 25th Birthday Invite


The contradictory actions on the press by representatives of the Municipality of Casciago , found above, deserve some clarification, not a critical part, but to re-establish some truths or facts that do not want to appear:
-Health Care Card or discount petrol after our interventions, see previous articles , which emphasizes the failure of the City of Casciago per il rilascio del codice Pin, il Sindaco Maroni affermava che il Comune si era mosso per tempo, ma solo dopo qualche giorno smentiva tutto a Varesenews. Nell’articolo  dichiarava di aver sottovalutato la comunicazione della Regione nel 2009 ed essere rimasto spiazzato con l'avvio del nuovo sistema. Un suo Assessore addirittura afferma “…che la procedura e' lunga..” certo attivarsi l'8 di Febbraio e pensare che tutto sia pronto in pochi giorni non è da sprovveduti? Da ultimo, si cambia ancora versione, e torna la "colpa" della precedente Amministrazione, ma le comunicazione dalla Regione sono arrivate Maroni when the Junta was already in office in a year and a half and did not move, other than "wait for the Regulation"!
Dear Directors, it takes time to tell the truth without "sticking" on various excuses to justify their delays and / or administrative failure?
- Transfer Elementary School Casciago: we learn from the statements Prealpina that the City intends to transfer the building of the Media from September - Villa Valerio - the present St. Augustine's Primary School Casciago. The project was old and the efforts of previous years at Villa Valerio went to that effect. One wonders why it comes out a little 'for the case in an article in which we talk about road, no mention in the councils where and 'talked about school and study law. The bodies, parents associations, families have been notified about this ad before? E 'so that you respect their citizens? Believe that moving the school entirely solve the problem of road network and Piazza Cavour 's a bit deceptive: there will be a traffic problem since the merger of two schools in one place.
- Piazza Cavour and viability : on this subject and 'told you everything and its opposite. At first the Mayor Maroni - newly installed - has claimed the normalization of relations with the company, against which his administration has extended the time the contract for the construction work and does not apply penalties for delays, only to fall to close the contract with the firm itself - with its litigation / arbitration - as it should have done long before
Recall that the Councillor for Public Works and deputy mayor Anesa, he voted against his own choice of highlighting the contradictions come. The traffic lights are currently off-and on their higher costs-are only intended by the Council for a trial that lasted a day in bankruptcy sought to restore the old road out of Wells, after putting the lights impossible with the current provision. The City of
Casciago back later all'idea di realizzare una rotonda e a marzo 2010 si dichiara tramite l’assessore Ciotti  
che in due mesi sarà pronto il progetto definitivo e entro l'estate quello esecutivo. Adesso dietro-front, da una parte si riprendono i contatti con l'Anas, in precedenza sempre contraria a ipotesi di rotonde, dall'altra sulla Prealpina si afferma che si vuole distribuire in maniera diversa i semafori, ma che comunque il bilancio del Comune è deficitario causa costi dei lavori precedenti. Come mai allora la Giunta Maroni ha fatto nuovi mutui indebitandosi ulteriormente - in un caso anche per opere non prioritarie - se la situazione è così drammatica? E per gli esperti che faranno proposte sulla viabilità i soldi ci sono? Quanto ci costerà il tutto?
Sarebbe sufficiente apportare qualche modifica per migliorare lo scorrimento del traffico nelle ore di punta, certo, si poteva abbattere il fabbricato e fare una rotonda più grande, si fa presto a buttar giù tutto ma la soluzione era stata scartata già ai tempi della giunta Baroni. Siamo sicuri che la rotonda a "biscotto" che butta tutto il traffico da Varese nella piazza sia la soluzione migliore? Come mai l'Anas ha sempre detto no a tale ipotesi?

La conclusione che ci sentiamo di trarre da tutte queste serie dichiarazioni, often contradict each other, is that we live in our town for the day and without a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe priorities to be addressed for the territory, unfortunately we still fear that we will see some good .... or bad depending on the point of view!
Council Chamber Group "common objective"
Dario Cecchini

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Roots Are Lighter Than The Rest Of My Hair

CARD DISCOUNT GASOLINE: As it turned! Appointments

If to err is human, disconcerting and perseverance with which the City Council of Casciago continues to justify the its inertia! The Mayor Maroni, in response to our intervention, states in the articles published here that the city council has been active in time "and is awaiting authorization ASL discount card to activate the service station with a health card." Maroni may not know or did not read the results of the City of Casciago dated February 8, 2011 and published on 11 / 02-below-you can read it by the end of February must be in possession of the new code as "off gas" will start from March 1 ....... Just look at the link to our previous article for Varesenews already know that at least a month there was talk of the subject, where were the directors of Casciago in the meantime?
leave the court as usual for your readers, the next ... bet!
Group Board "common objective"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pokemon For Nnkia N70


Wednesday, February 16 at 18 to Feltrinelli, Moro in Varese, presentation of the book "Soul of world "by Italo Bertolasi. It will also present our countryman Richard Palumbo with Maestro Italo conceived philosophy Aquatic "watsu Baby," presented later in Europe, Israel, Japan.

Sunday, February 20 at 18 at the Library of the City Hall of Casciago ordinary meeting of the Pro Loco of Casciago agenda report with the President, reporting and presentation of final proposals for new activities.
The invitation to participate and 'open to all interested parties.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Prayer Before Thesis Defense


The new system to get the discount petrol has seen the City of Casciago miss another opportunity to give timely service to its citizens.
As you know from 1 March this year the old petrol discount card will be replaced by the Charter of Regional Services (CRS), the health card, but that 'requires the activation of your PIN to use it that the majority of people did not obviously richiesto in precedenza.
Il Comune di Casciago non si e' attivato puntualmente e in pratica "costringe" i propri cittadini a recarsi fisicamente presso altri sportelli in cui e' possibile abilitare il codice- i piu' vicini sono l'Asl di Via Monte Rosa e Via Rossi a Varese, l'Asl di Gavirate, lo Spazio Regione di V.le Belforte, gli sportelli dei Comuni di Luvinate, Barasso e Varese- e affrontare spesso lunghe code per una semplice operazione.
Un meccanismo abbastanza farraginoso anche quello dell'abilitazione dei familiari del titolare all'utilizzo della tessera sanitaria per lo sconto benzina, che attualmente sembra fermo e comunque non get in doors that do not have the personal data in question. Congratulations also to the Region of Lombardy for the management of procedures, even the common list of enabled and 'incomplete .......
Only in recent days it seems that municipal administrators Casciago have "woken up" trying to activate the service in late guilty but the whole thing can not 'from day to day and month-end deadline approaching .
Please note below some contact details and links to activate the code and information for further clarification and 'active even toll Region 800,030,606.
We remain at your disposal for your records at

Group Board "common objective"

Asl Varese -door Via Monterosa 28 tel. 0332/828459, health card code release schedules from Monday to Friday 8.30-12, 14-16 Wednesday
Via Rossi-stop from Monday to Thursday 9-11 and Saturday morning
City Luvinate Via San Vito 3 tel.0332/824130
Area Region Viale Belforte 22 Varese tel. 0332/331038 Monday to Thursday 9.30-12.30 and 14.30-16.30, Friday 9.30-12.30
Municipality of Varese Via Sacco, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:15 to 13:10, Tuesday and Thursday schedule continued 8:15 to 16:30, Saturday 8:15 to 12:15
Asl Gavirate Viale Ticino 33 tel. 0332/744110 - 0332/745398
City Barasso Via Roma 26 Tel 0332/743386, schedules cod.tessera health issue for non-residents Tuesday from 9 to 11 am, Friday h. 11 / 13

Link Useful / life / articolo.php? id = 192680

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Electro Song That Counts Down From 5


Following the enactment of the Ordinance of the Mayor No 130 dated 04.02.2011 concerning "Protection of drinking water for human consumption", calling on the citizens and all administrators of buildings for residential housing with more than 4, as well as the owners of the remaining stable, even in non-residential destination, to provide for the compilation and submission of the questionnaire and its return by the 07.03.2011.

For more information, contact the technical department at no 0332.211033 or the No 0332.211035

group Common Purpose

Thursday, January 27, 2011

コマツ Pc15

Contributions to associations such as the criterion? FAI

As mentioned in the previous video post, we publish the decisions for the allocation of grants to associations of 2009 and 2010.
The question arises: what are the motivations that led the Government to increase its contribution to the Association of Combatants and Veterans-funds which are substantially to the city - and decrease the Proloco Casciago that, in our opinion, would need more support for their activities?
rhetorical question, as usual no answer. Greetings

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Without Cloths

Census 2010: the places of the heart-Sant'Eusebio

dear friends and dear friends

the outcome of the 2010 census You, our Sant'Eusebio occupies the 63rd place in Lombard with 111 votes.
a pity! You could do more!

Below we publish the link to view the site with the result:

soon and ... Eusebius live forever!!

Common Purpose

Quo Foundation And Mineral Tint Reviews


Monday, January 24, 2011

Bmw 328i 335i Same Size

Day 2011 Memory ... not to forget! Post

On the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day in memory of the Shoah and the anniversary of killing of the gates of Auschwitz, it seems important to publish the text the law of the Italian State, which provides this remarkable institution:

Ln 211, July 20, 2000
"Establishment of the" Memorial Day "in memory of the extermination and persecution of the Jewish people and Italian military and political deportees to Nazi camps "
published in the Official Gazette No. 177 of July 31, 2000

1 The Italian Republic recognizes the On 27 January, date of the gates of Auschwitz, "Holocaust Remembrance Day" in order to remember the Holocaust (extermination of the Jewish people), the racial laws, the persecution of Italian Jewish citizens, Italians who have been deported , imprisonment, death, as well as those who, even in different fields and camps, have opposed the project of extermination, and the risk of his life have saved more lives and protected the persecuted.
art. 2.
During the "Day of Remembrance" in Article 1, is organized ceremonies, activities, meetings and joint moments of storytelling and reflection of the facts, especially in schools of all levels, on what happened the Jewish people and the Italian military and political deportees to Nazi camps in order to preserve the future of Italy in the memory of a dark and tragic period of history in our country and in Europe, and so such events can never happen again.

Group advising the common objective

La Comunità Pastorale S.Eusebio e il comune di Luvinate invitano
"Segni di pace ad Auschwitz"
il film documentario che racconta il viaggio materiale e dell'anima
delle grandi religioni mondiali dentro i campi di sterminio
di Auschwitz-Birkenau promosso dalla Comunità di S. Egidio

Mercoledi 26 gennaio 2011
Salone dell'Oratorio di Luvinate
inizio alle ore 21.00

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pay For Own Food Wording Invite

delayed Casciago: isolated cases or widespread inefficiency? Resources

Piu' di un cittadino ci ha segnalato  negli ultimi giorni ritardi fino a week in the delivery of mail resulting in discomfort as the timing of payments scheduled for later this month (es.canone Rai).
The lack of a party after the local distribution and 'up accentatrata Varese was also creates further discomfort.
We invite you to send to the regularity or otherwise of the service in your area to monitor the phenomenon, and forward any reminders.

Councillor Stephen Church Group "common objective"

Friday, January 21, 2011

Diffusion Osmosis Lab Answers

associations, because these cuts? The Board

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poison Oak Or Shingles

Maroni loses pieces ....

Having "lost" the train of the North (see our previous work on the waiver station Casarico), the 'Municipal Administration Casciago loses one of its members with the resignation today - after only a year and a half in office - of the culture, sports and library Fabio Franco motivated by demands of work and taking up residence in another municipality.
Council Chamber Group Objective Common

Friday, January 7, 2011

Alpine Type R Swr 1242d

Open to kindergarten "A. Dell 'Acqua" in Casciago

teachers, friends, parents and staff invite parents and children in the castle of wonders to present the new concept of hospitality and school programs for children
January 15
10.00 12.00
Via A. Dell'Acqua, 4 to Casciago - tel. 0332226001

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Super Sniper Vs Bushnell 3200

Sos Village Initiative Morosolo

Thursday, January 13 from 9:30 to 11:45 at the SOS Children's Village Morosolo, via Emiliani, will have 'place Day Mellin nutrition, food dedicated to education of children with speech Expert Conconi and wages that will illustrate the "Program of research and nutrition Mellin" Info 0332/826009 int1 Maria

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does Retroperitoneally Mean

In memory of Sergio

Casciago The community is mourning the death of 78-year Sergio Frasson, tireless years volunteer in various areas, from Circle Family Asilo, the Feast of St. Eusebius to the parish.
The funeral will take place on Wednesday January 5 at 14:30 at the Parish Church of Casciago.
Casciagonotizie The editors of the group council "common objective" are close to his wife and children in this time of sorrow