Thursday, May 31, 2007

Good Lyrical Costumea

Why GNU / Linux

Why GNU / Linux

My interest in the Linux operating system comes from the desire to feel part of a community, part of a movement that has made the free movement of the source computer's a fundamental freedom: the possibility that, if you want and if they have the capacity to "look under the hood" to see how it works, and, ultimately, to make changes that will meet your needs, then making these changes available to other users .

When it comes to Linux or GNU / Linux Reference is made to programs for which is freely distributed and made available the source code.

The software is usually distributed in its binary form, that is ready for use.
Before creating the binary (the file pippo.exe, so to speak), it is written as source code. Now the source code of computer programs of the houses are not distributed, so it is impossible, even for a computer engineer, to understand how the program works: the hood, in short, can not be opened except by using complicated test that also is forbidden by law (reverse engineering).
codes in their source form is then applied to a process that called a compiler from which we get the binary running.

If the software is, as I read someone says, a gift from God, it should not be closed and rendered indecipherable but must be freely available to all. The availability of source code and the freedom to copy the software (despite the horrendous campaign that said quote: "Copying software is a crime!"), Must be insured.

But here comes the bad news: with Linux you can not remain passive users should be aware of the complexity of the computer and go for the mode line of text to be users of this operating system.

To begin the step remains difficult to install: I have been helped by a book that I recommend to those who want to learn Linux: From Windows to Linux ", by Paolo and Roberto Attivissimo Odoardi, for types of IDG, which is also available on- line search Attivissimo.
also in all the major Italian cities there are groups of users, "Linux User Group", comprising people who are willing to help newbies.

In Genoa, my home town, there are even two Linux User Group, the Lugg and the "Genuense Linux User Group", GLUG.
E 'have to do a Google search to find the group of Linux users closer to home.

addition, every year is organized the "Linux Day", during which users show visitors the possibilities offered by the system.


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