Thursday, January 27, 2011

コマツ Pc15

Contributions to associations such as the criterion? FAI

As mentioned in the previous video post, we publish the decisions for the allocation of grants to associations of 2009 and 2010.
The question arises: what are the motivations that led the Government to increase its contribution to the Association of Combatants and Veterans-funds which are substantially to the city - and decrease the Proloco Casciago that, in our opinion, would need more support for their activities?
rhetorical question, as usual no answer. Greetings

Tuesday, January 25, 2011 Without Cloths

Census 2010: the places of the heart-Sant'Eusebio

dear friends and dear friends

the outcome of the 2010 census You, our Sant'Eusebio occupies the 63rd place in Lombard with 111 votes.
a pity! You could do more!

Below we publish the link to view the site with the result:

soon and ... Eusebius live forever!!

Common Purpose

Quo Foundation And Mineral Tint Reviews


Monday, January 24, 2011

Bmw 328i 335i Same Size

Day 2011 Memory ... not to forget! Post

On the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day in memory of the Shoah and the anniversary of killing of the gates of Auschwitz, it seems important to publish the text the law of the Italian State, which provides this remarkable institution:

Ln 211, July 20, 2000
"Establishment of the" Memorial Day "in memory of the extermination and persecution of the Jewish people and Italian military and political deportees to Nazi camps "
published in the Official Gazette No. 177 of July 31, 2000

1 The Italian Republic recognizes the On 27 January, date of the gates of Auschwitz, "Holocaust Remembrance Day" in order to remember the Holocaust (extermination of the Jewish people), the racial laws, the persecution of Italian Jewish citizens, Italians who have been deported , imprisonment, death, as well as those who, even in different fields and camps, have opposed the project of extermination, and the risk of his life have saved more lives and protected the persecuted.
art. 2.
During the "Day of Remembrance" in Article 1, is organized ceremonies, activities, meetings and joint moments of storytelling and reflection of the facts, especially in schools of all levels, on what happened the Jewish people and the Italian military and political deportees to Nazi camps in order to preserve the future of Italy in the memory of a dark and tragic period of history in our country and in Europe, and so such events can never happen again.

Group advising the common objective

La Comunità Pastorale S.Eusebio e il comune di Luvinate invitano
"Segni di pace ad Auschwitz"
il film documentario che racconta il viaggio materiale e dell'anima
delle grandi religioni mondiali dentro i campi di sterminio
di Auschwitz-Birkenau promosso dalla Comunità di S. Egidio

Mercoledi 26 gennaio 2011
Salone dell'Oratorio di Luvinate
inizio alle ore 21.00

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Pay For Own Food Wording Invite

delayed Casciago: isolated cases or widespread inefficiency? Resources

Piu' di un cittadino ci ha segnalato  negli ultimi giorni ritardi fino a week in the delivery of mail resulting in discomfort as the timing of payments scheduled for later this month (es.canone Rai).
The lack of a party after the local distribution and 'up accentatrata Varese was also creates further discomfort.
We invite you to send to the regularity or otherwise of the service in your area to monitor the phenomenon, and forward any reminders.

Councillor Stephen Church Group "common objective"

Friday, January 21, 2011

Diffusion Osmosis Lab Answers

associations, because these cuts? The Board

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Poison Oak Or Shingles

Maroni loses pieces ....

Having "lost" the train of the North (see our previous work on the waiver station Casarico), the 'Municipal Administration Casciago loses one of its members with the resignation today - after only a year and a half in office - of the culture, sports and library Fabio Franco motivated by demands of work and taking up residence in another municipality.
Council Chamber Group Objective Common

Friday, January 7, 2011

Alpine Type R Swr 1242d

Open to kindergarten "A. Dell 'Acqua" in Casciago

teachers, friends, parents and staff invite parents and children in the castle of wonders to present the new concept of hospitality and school programs for children
January 15
10.00 12.00
Via A. Dell'Acqua, 4 to Casciago - tel. 0332226001

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Super Sniper Vs Bushnell 3200

Sos Village Initiative Morosolo

Thursday, January 13 from 9:30 to 11:45 at the SOS Children's Village Morosolo, via Emiliani, will have 'place Day Mellin nutrition, food dedicated to education of children with speech Expert Conconi and wages that will illustrate the "Program of research and nutrition Mellin" Info 0332/826009 int1 Maria

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Does Retroperitoneally Mean

In memory of Sergio

Casciago The community is mourning the death of 78-year Sergio Frasson, tireless years volunteer in various areas, from Circle Family Asilo, the Feast of St. Eusebius to the parish.
The funeral will take place on Wednesday January 5 at 14:30 at the Parish Church of Casciago.
Casciagonotizie The editors of the group council "common objective" are close to his wife and children in this time of sorrow