Sunday, June 27, 2010

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I would describe the extraordinary journey of a thought ... because you realize its route before it becomes a thought-form.
When delivered with power, whether it's a pnsiero of joy, love, anger, hatred or fear, the process is always the same.
greater the force with which it was issued, the greater the speed with which the thought will cross the Vare auras, a bit like a flash when the dark sky and friction load of clouds.
If this is an issue of transparent, beautiful, bright, will strengthen the zones crossed, consolidating, but it is thought a dark, heavy, open real gaps in the various auras, making them heavy. This is the first step in the activities of thought-forms.
If it is a low vibrational thoughts, some of them remain in the vicinity of the person who issued them, thus feeding the gluttonous energy ethereal beings with fear, anger, violence, or the like.
Gradually, this surface beings will become part of the existence of the person, and there will be a vicious circle, they stagnate on the periphery of the physical body of their prey, thus decreasing the resistance of CAAC and leaving the door open to many different ailments.
If it's high thoughts of nature, they are going to reinforce the colors of a particular light that illuminates from within the person who sent them.
It 's true that sometimes we feel attracted to people who, outwardly, are nothing special, but they adopt something very attractive, we feel even without seeing it.
What is true thought-forms a low vibratory rate, also applies to the thought-forms a low level and attract other thought-forms of the same species, acting as a powerful magnet, and the more a person will be able to give love, joy, confidence, plus it will be easier to live in the mood light, for its subtle bodies will feed to this permanent form of communication.
Meanwhile, some thoughts will move away from those who issued them: these thoughts will reach a sort of tank that, in some traditions, it is called "cores" un'egregora there any particular kind of thinking pr issued: for example, the thoughts of anger or hatred will reach the cores of the same type, while the thoughts of joy and diamore dall'eregora will be drawn accordingly. This "tank", which has no existence their lives only through the thoughts that compose it, but his action is very wide.
In fact, if you give a thought of fatigue or discouragement, the cores that receives it and if it has, it will be immediately attracted to other people in another part of the planet, have taken action and feel discouraged.
The cores, with his actions, reinforce their discouragement and their fatigue.
Similarly, clear those thoughts that reflect love, joy, hope, tenderness, communicate an impetus to all those who seek to operate in that sense, all that you do and think with love nutrurà Love inject dynamism and those who try to make the world a little more human.
's so that, without blame, we can see how everyone is connected to every other being on the planet, and how each party is responsible for everything that happens as we are both the creators, the parents of Our thoughts and what their important function.
E 'essential that we do not feel guilty for this, because the fear and guilt have never advance or evolve a person or situation, it is important that we take conscience of our power of action.
not forget that all this takes place at veocità of thought ....
just remember that when we become discouraged, others discourage us, and when we do force interiormene, other eyes will shine with hope and joy.

Meurois-Givaudan Anne